AI Issue 4 2018 - John Harrison & Company

70 Acquisition International - Issue 4 2018 Gant Innovations Limited are the creators of the adhesive paper napkin together with dental bibs, care home bibs and baby bibs, to name but a few, revolutionising the industry. Since the firm’s inception, they have been recipients of three consecutive awards. Recently, we invited Gail Shaw to tell us more about Gant Innovations success and how the company is revolutionising the paper napkin industry. ounded in 2009, Gant Innovations was founded with the idea of creating an adhesive paper napkin which would solve a wealth of problems which people face when trying to eat their food without making a mess. Gant Innovations has now developed concepts in a variety of markets as already indicated. The main benefit is the Gantik sticky technology which can be added to all the market products at a very low cost. The main benefit is that the end value of the product to the consumer is greatly enhanced, thus delivering excellent profit opportunities, in what are traditionally high volume low profit margin markets. This issue which many diners face is one in which a napkin, which is trying to protect the clothing, falls on the floor unless it is tucked into a piece of clothing, and so Gail came up with the idea of inventing a napkin which would adhere to the clothing or skin on opening for use. Gail explains what happened around the time when the product really started to take off, telling us how promoting the product was a key factor in the product’s success since. “Having launched this idea at a Trade Show in Barcelona in 2015, we were approached by a number of companies suggesting that this concept should be used within the Dental and Healthcare sector. We have a number of Worldwide Patents covering our concept and our methodology, and it is this which we license to manufacturers of paper products. “In addition to dental and medical, Gant is in discussions with companies operating in a variety of market sectors, including nursing homes, janitorial product, tissues, children’s bibs, automotive and precision engineering wipes, to name only a few!” What fascinates clients and customers alike, is the depth of detail and innovation which went into producing the product. There are many other aspects of the napkin that clients like, which Gail is keen to tell us about. “Helping us to attract a vast array of clients, our concept is extremely innovative in the way that it Company: Gant Innovations Contact: Gail Shaw Tel: +44 1753891065 Mob: +44 7512751740 Contact Email: gailshaw@ Contact Email: nickshaw@ Imaginative, Creative, Original, Innovative andHygienic F 1804AI12 is far more hygienic, cost-effective, time saving as well as being extremely efficient with ease of use. Subsequently, we are being approached by Paper Manufacturers worldwide to enter discussions with us in regard to machinery and adhesive requirements which would enable them to take a license from Gant Innovations. “There are over two dozen products on which this concept can and will be used, such as napkins, dental bibs, care home bibs, medical, baby disposables, catering, beauty, veterinary and tableware to name but a few. All these products have the same benefits as above, and our strategy is to license worldwide to those manufacturers in a variety of sectors.” Gail comments on the fact that the team was able to spot a gap in the market regarding hygiene, and this led to the team capitalising on the opportunity and producing a new, better product at no more cost. “Here at Gant Innovation, we believe that so many of the products that are currently used have been in the market for many years, and it is time to change to a more hygienic product which is used for the same purpose, but with better results for no more cost.” In her concluding comments, Gail is evidently excited about the future and sees no barriers as Gant Innovation continues on it quest for success. Displaying clear respect for health and safety regulations, Gail signs off with nothing but praise for the hard work and dedication of her colleagues Nick and Simon. “Moving forward, we will achieve success as we are licensing a first-class concept using first class equipment and adhesive as we have ensured that the adhesive required, which has been formulated for the sole purpose and use of Gant Innovations meets all the required ISO safety standards. “Lastly, we welcome all manufacturers of paper products to contact us and we will be delighted to send you a licensing marketing brochure.” Gant Innovations Imaginative, Creative, Original, Innovative