Issue 4 2019

16 Acquisition International - Issue 4 2019 1807AI46 Recently, L4L Legal Advice PLC received the coveted title of Best International Banking Legal Advisory Firm 2018 – UK. 4L Legal Advice PLC is a leading law firm, procurators and consultancy operating globally. With its main headquarters in London, the firm also has branches in Switzerland, Hong Kong and Italy. It was founded in 2012 by Paolo Giordani, an experienced business lawyer with expertise in finance and business. Mr Giordani has formed many European companies over the years, mainly focusing on retail, infrastructure and finance, and he has been an active partner in several law firms and auditing companies, including DIRTGM - Revisions Deutsch-Italienische und Treuhand and Treuhand (of Frankfurt), of Nobili Law Firm (in Milan) and in the International Law firm, founded by lawyer Charles John Whittier (based in Miami), specialising in assistance on international contracts of raw materials. Since inception, the firm has expanded its reach to build professional and important partnerships with other lawyers and law firms throughout the world. Through such collaborations and partnerships in different countries, L4L Legal is able to assist clients in English, Spanish, Russian and Italian, offering a highly qualified and specialised service, thanks to a team that operates profitably through its partners in the main countries of Europe and in Asia. L4L Legal Advice operates in the main sectors of national and international law, paying greater attention to Mergers and Acquisitions, Banking Assistance, Banking Law, Criminal Law, Commercial and Corporate Law, Bankruptcy Law, Asset Protection, Litigation, Company and Contracts. To date, L4L Legal Advice PLC consists of lawyers, consultants and trust partners located in its main areas of interest, maintaining its independence having established, over the years, the right relationship of trust with those that operate in the different branches of civil, corporate and criminal law. Uniquely, L4L Legal is also able to offer specialised online advice, meaning that the firm is always with you. A highly confidential and private service means you can take the practice with you wherever you are, and receive updates from anywhere in the world. The firm can also offer the creation of offshore companies through its online services. The term offshore company identifies a company registered under the laws of a foreign state, but which conducts its business outside the state or jurisdiction in which it is registered. The establishment of an offshore company is perfectly legal. An offshore company can therefore be created by anyone desired. One of the most frequent reasons for the creation of an offshore company is the reduced taxation; but through a company properly configured, clients can also benefit from other advantages, such as Offshore Thinking the protection of the heritage, the simplification of bureaucracy, cost optimisation and, last but not least, confidentiality. The choice of jurisdiction (tax haven) in which to establish a client’s own company, or its assets, is not simple and depends mainly on the type of investment that is going to take place, the type of activity, and the extent of a client’s disposable income. Authorised by the British Government (HRMC - Revenue & Customs) to set up international companies and trusts, the firm has also obtained the trustee license for trusts, and nominations for companies. Since 2015, L4L Legal Advice has also been registered with the International Fiscal Association (IFA), the international Tax Planning Association (ITPA) and the International Bar Association (IBA), as the world’s leading organisation of international justice operators with registration number 110849. L “The firm can also offer the creation of offshore companies through its online services.”