Issue 4 2019

8 Acquisition International - Issue 4 2019 ICOMM guarantees its students a high quality training through certifications issued by national and international audit bodies (ISO 9001 - ISO 29990 - CEN 16686), as well as through partnerships with prestigious teachers such as Jean-Pierre Barral, Kenneth Graham and Jonathan Parsons to name but a few. Since 2014, ICOMM has been collaborating with the Arrhythmia Center of the Fatebenefratelli - Isola Tiberina Hospital in Rome, carrying out research projects which are aimed at evaluating the positive effect of visceral osteopathic manipulation on the arrhythmic patient. Over the years, both ICOMM has received numerous accolades which recognise the outstanding service and teachings they are delivering. Recently, Adrianus found success in Acquisition Intl.’s 2018 Global Excellence Awards where he was righteously awarded the title Most Influential Osteopathic Specialist 2018 – Italy. Whilst on the topic of success, Adrianus reflects on the attributes he believe are essential to achieving success within the industry. “The success in osteopathy is obtained with a preparation based on the principles of Andrew Taylor Still, founder of Osteopathy, on the holistic view of the patient, on humility and the desire to update professionally and improve and on a rigorous research activity, based on the logic of Evidence Based Medicine.” Since 2007, ICOMM has grown enormously due to the administrative and the teaching staff with whom Adrianus continuously interacts with. When discussing the internal culture, Adrianus is keen to highlight how the firm have cultivated an atmosphere that is conducive to a productive working environment. “Here at ICOMM, we function like a great family in which, in addition to professional relationships, friendships are born that contribute to the harmony and attachment to the school and to the students. In this context, the students feel at ease and appreciate the human aspect that is added to the services and the high quality training.” Looking ahead to what the future holds, Adrianus signs off by revealing the exciting plans which lie in the pipeline for the firm, touching on some of the developments he envisions for not only ICOMM but also the wider industry. “Overall, the clinical research in osteopathy is a fundamental element that must be implemented and developed. As a result, ICOMM has an important project to carry out the research activity focused on the evidence of the efficacy and safety of osteopathic treatment. “Moving forward, the main project for the future of ICOMM is actively working on research to create ever-increasing scientific evidence about osteopathy. In addition to this, another project is to become accredited in public and private university structures, as well as to be a reference point for the academic osteopathic training in Italy and on the international scene.” Company: ICOMM – International College Of Osteopathic Manual Medicine Name: Adrianus Jacobus De Koning Address: Via Sant’Anna 15 Telephone: 06 68 13 65 69