AI Issue 5 2017

20 Acquisition International - May 2017 Leading Advisors of the Year - Property Investment Advisor of the Year – UK award winner Intercorp Group is a privately owned high-level consulting firm, which provides tax, estate planning and fiduciary structure solutions to high-net-worth families. To celebrate their success, we invited them to profile a choice selection of the marvellous services they provide. ntercorp Group functions as an accessible interface, streamlining intelligence from an elite global network of professionals and specialists and ultimately bestowing on clients both the knowledge, confidence and solutions to handle their matters in the best possible way. Our services include: International investment structuring A primary concern of high-net-worth families is ensuring their wealth is sustainable, protected both now and for future generations. As a result, many families have long mobilised their assets internationally, safeguarding them against political, economic or social instability. Intercorp’s consultants have at their disposal a number of investment vehicles and structures, each of which can have a positive impact upon the tax liability of the investments they support. At the heart of this is a tax efficiency programme, which employs our comprehensive knowledge of jurisdictional rules to identify the best opportunities for return. While our consultants will never offer recommendations on the suitability of individual investments, the team is accomplished at advising the client’s fund managers on the best type of investment vehicles, always in full appreciation of tax legislation and the objective of the investment. We are committed to keeping abreast of developments in these areas and regularly appraise and update our advice in line with such developments. Company: Intercorp Group Web: Address: 45 Pont Street, SW1X 0BD Phone: +44 (0) 203 427 3308 Expert Advice When You Need It I 1702AI114 Protection of family businesses abroad Expanding the family company into other territories and the necessary safeguarding of both its intellectual property and its potential for multijurisdictional wealth generation As a natural consequence of family members moving abroad, many family businesses are expanding into other territories, bringing forth a plethora of considerations regarding the protection of the business. In terms of intellectual property, while clients will have taken care of the processes required to register and protect their brand under domestic legislation, this protection often will not survive under another jurisdiction. As the business expands, both the brand identity and the fundamental concept – the processes or products it trades on – are vulnerable to exploitation by competitors. Intercorp Group ensures the effective preservation and development of brands and intellectual property across several jurisdictions, working with each business to define and integrate the value of their brand and their idea into legally recognised assets of the company. Our team can then execute the necessary registration of these assets through trademarks, patents, designs and copyright in each country of operation. In addition, Intercorp Group regularly advises on the tax implications of cross-border expansion, identifying and mitigating issues surrounding the current business relationships and educating clients on solutions yielded through the formation of offshore holding companies. Our consultants will engage with our global network of professionals to draw upon expertise spanning corporate and commercial contracts, intellectual property, data protection, tax, banking and finance, employment and immigration, ultimately acting as trusted advisor for the client, throughout the entirety of the process. Asset protection In making new investments internationally and outside of the family business, the potential liability for risk, naturally increases. Intercorp works alongside both the families and their existing advisors to identify ways in which to minimise such risks. “Ultimately, Intercorp Group professionals work to help clients reconcile the consequences of different structures for their real estate investment and decide on a bespoke solution.”