AI Issue 5 2017

ROIDER| IP EUROPEAN PATENT ATTORNEY ROIDER IP Law Firm Stephan Roider Pfarrer-Erhard-Weg 19 82008 Unterhaching, Germany T +49 (0)89 2371 0616 F +49 (0)89 2371 0615 [email protected] ROIDER IP is a European patent law firm established in 2013 and named after its founder Stephan Roider who has an impressive track record of more than nine years working in the field of intellectual property. Our clients are domestic and foreign companies involved in all fields of technology and ranging in the size from small start-ups to medium-sized and large multinational companies, as well as research institutions and individuals. ROIDERIPis focusedonprovidingcost efficient and high quality intellectual property services, in particular drafting and filing European and International patent applications. We support and accompany our clients through every stage of patenting European patents - from drafting the application to defending or attacking a European patent in opposition and appeal proceedingsbefore theEuropeanPatentOffice. The combination of our highly qualified legal and technical expertise allows us to understand our clients’ objectives and provide focused intellectualpropertyservicesforachievingthem.