AI Issue 5 2017

32 Acquisition International - May 2017 Mahima Klinge, bestselling author and renowned self-mastery mentor and leadership trainer, tells us more about her approach and how we can all benefit from The Mahima Mindset following their recent success in achieving the European Training Awards 2017 – Switzerland. estselling author and mindfulness trainer, Mahima Klinge is a Zimbabwean- born native now living in Switzerland. She has dedicated her entire adult life to learning and sharing everything she has mastered in the art of joyful living in the now. Her impressive presence, gained over more than 2 decades of meditation training and experience, makes her an extremely effective and engaging workshop leader, transformational coach and keynote speaker. Mahima tells us more about her firm and her approach. “We take people on rapid, life transforming journeys that connect them to their inner power. This helps them to find their genius and live their higher purpose,” she begins. “We offer transformational workshops, group and private coaching packages that empower people to own their gift and fully express it in the world.” Company: The Mahima Mindset Name: Mahima Lucille Klinge Email: [email protected] Web: Phone: +41 765 643 773 The Art of Mindfulness B 1705AI48 “When people know who they are, what their gift is and share that in the world they perform at their best. The reality is that the majority of the workforce (60-85% depending on your source) are not highly engaged. When you have a workforce, who are happy and fully-aligned with who they are and their work is aligned with their gift, current issues such as engagement, motivation and productivity are removed because they become intrinsic and internally generated by the individual.” Mahima’s client base is predominantly females, between the ages of 28-48, who have unfulfilling careers. “They are doing work that makes them feel stuck, frustrated and disconnected from a feeling of making progress, and they have a desire to change this,” explains Mahima. “They want to know who they are and create a life based around that - something that they love waking up to do every morning.” The benefits of such training in the corporate environment include a more productive and focused workforce; higher employee engagement; less sick days being taken; better innovation and creative thinking and improved dynamics and interactions. Mahima tells us more about how technology plays an important part in her corporate training days. “Technology helps leverage time and distances increasing the reach and effectiveness of trainings. Today you can have people all over the world sharing the same experience together at the same time. With new tech such as VR the experience of remote and virtual coaching will only increase the value and experience for consumers of training services.” Mahima has recently received the European Training Awards 2017 – Switzerland for her training and mentorship, something of which she is very proud. Humbly, Mahima explains that her staff play a vital role in her success. “It is an absolute honour and privilege to be selected as part of the European Training Awards 2017 – Switzerland,” she enthuses. “It feels amazing to be recognised for all the years of hard work and