AI Issue 5 2017

Acquisition International - May 2017 33 The Art of Mindfulness striving to empower people to connect to their inner potential and live a more fulfilled life. “My team are amazing! They really make it possible for me to do what I do. The support from them multiplies my capacity for active clients, creating new products/services and working on the strategy and direction of the business.” Mahima has big plans for the future, for both the industry and her firm. “More and more people are waking up to the fact that they are not living as they should and want to align themselves with their gift. Today, people are just simply not tolerant of living an unfulfilling life. This represents a huge opportunity for us to capture this audience. It also presents the challenge in how we leverage what we have and grow in a sustainable way. This includes leveraging technology for reaching and delivering to an ever- growing audience. “As a firm, in 2017 we’re hoping to continue our rapid expansion with a targeted growth of 250% over that of 2016. To help fuel this growth we will shortly be launching a membership site, rich with our best life changing transformational trainings. In 2016, we began opening up to international markets and are looking to continue offering our services to more people around the world. Ultimately, we are working towards creating centres all around the world where people can come to learn the tools and techniques and get the support necessary to avoid burnout and other physical and emotional stress- related problems.”