AI Issue 5 2017

Acquisition International - May 2017 77 Start-up culture is a lot of things. It’s non-traditional, it’s informal, it’s imaginative and above all it’s innovative. While all of these attributes sound great, and they are, they are also behind some of the reasons that start-ups tend to fail. n cases where early stage start-ups place a lot of energy on the creative process, they could overlook logistics, resulting in unstable finances are unattainable goals. The good news is, you don’t have to compromise entrepreneurship for success. 1. Invest in someone who knows how to invest Before you make any serious moves, make sure you that invest in someone who can help you make the right investments! A financial advisor can help you with everything from pricing analyses, to fundraising to market research. On top of understanding your financial logistics, working together with someone who knows their numbers can help you map out an appropriate budget plan based on your specific needs. Luckily, there are plenty of experienced financial consultants who are with familiar with contemporary business models. Devoting some of your precious time and resources to developing a relationship with an experienced advisor may just be the move you needed to make in order to land your next big investment. 2. Navigating the flexible financial plan It may sound counterintuitive, but your financial plan doesn’t need to set in stone. Today, companies large and small are embracing more flexible ways of working. But, making room for change doesn’t mean throwing caution to the wind. There are still inevitable ups and downs businesses will go through, whether you’re Facebook or just a group of friends with a great idea. In short, you need to be prepared if you want your business to thrive. Name: Ellie Martin Email: elliemartinwrites@ 4Ways a Financial Consultant Make Your Start-upMore Successful I Hiring a skilled financial consultant that has seen a business go through ups and downs first hand can help you adjust to changes, such as unforeseen expenses. A financial advisor will prepare you for unexpected overhead, which is necessary if you are planning to make a pitch to an investor. Small business that have looked beyond the basics, such as salary and cash flow, tend to come off as more trustworthy when having considered future growth stages. 3. So you got your first investment…. now what? Getting your first investment is a big deal! Throw a party, hang a plaque, and then get on the phone with your financial advisor. Just because you increased your cash flow, doesn’t mean you have increased your value...yet. Speaking with someone who knows the ins and outs of the financial world can help you make better use of your newly acquired chunk of change. Using your funding skilfully can make all the difference when it comes to acquiring funding in the future. A financial advisor can help you map out which milestones you need to meet in order to achieve your goals. Milestones are based on a company’s personal goals, which could mean hiring another staff member, working out some kinks, or even putting some of that money away for emergencies. Overall, having a game plan when you receive your first investments will increase your value as a company not just financially. 4. Don’t worry too much about the future, but don’t forget about it Again, financial plans do not need to be concrete, especially if you are a small business or growing start up. But, you should have an idea of where you’re going. An experienced financial advisor has most likely helped other clients define what they expect from their future successes. Starting up a business can be a lot of work, so it’s sometimes easy to forget to include yourself into the plan. Based on your personal situation, maybe you are planning to have a family, or already have one, and a financial consultant can help you to make sure you can cover your personal costs. 4 Ways a Financial Consultant Make Your Start-up More Successful “Getting your first investment is a big deal! Throw a party, hang a plaque , and then get on the phone with your financial advisor.”