AI Issue 5 2017

Acquisition International - May 2017 83 Ecocorp has extensive, international experience with the design and implementation of biogas facilities and the production of bio methane as a renewable, alternative fuel. We profile the firm to find out more about the range of services it offers. Founded in 1991, Ecocorp provides fully-automated plants for the anaerobic composting of green waste, food waste, and paper in combination with dewatered sewage sludge and/or animal manure and industrial/construction waste. The firm’s custom designed plants range typically in size from 20,000 to 100,000 tons per year. Plants may be either ECOCORP or customer owned and operated. The firm offers sunder license commercially proven European technology to minimize risk. The standard Ecocorp facility has an organic waste processing capacity of 50,000 tons per year. It requires one acre of industrially zoned land and provides a fully contained operation with respect to emissions of odors, air or water pollutants to the neighboring environment. The 50,000 tons of incoming waste are comprised of commercial wastes, including demolition lumber and gypsum waste as well as separated green wastes, food wastes and non-recyclable paper and dewatered Company: EcoCorp Inc. Contact: John G. Ingersoll Email: [email protected] Address: 1211 S Eads Street, Arlington, Virginia, 22202, USA Phone: 00703 979-4999 Website: Best Biogas Facility Design Company 2017 P OS170003 sludge. The commercial wastes are presorted at the facility to remove recyclable paper products such as corrugated cardboard, plastics and metals as well as non-recyclable plastics. The usable organic waste is converted into a number of commercial products including: bio- methane as an alternative motor fuel; a high quality, pathogen free compost as a soil conditioner and fertilizer supplement or fertilizer partial substitute; carbon dioxide as an industrial gas with a variety of uses; and gray water as a replacement of fresh water for irrigation, street sweeping and other applications. The compost is post processed mechanically to remove undesirable ingredients and is sold in bags and in bulk. The anaerobic process employed in the facility has several unique features that set it apart from other similar processes such as those employed traditionally at municipal sewage treatment facilities as well as aerobic composting technologies marketed by competitors, including a dry anaerobic digestion operation, comprised of a 30% to 40% solid content versus less than 5% for the typical wet anaerobic operation and utilization of thermophilic methanogenic microbes functioning at a temperature of about 140ºF versus the traditional mesophilic temperature operation of under 100ºF. Each standard facility is very compact in size requiring less than one acre of land comprised of 15,000 ft² for buildings and structures and up to 20,000 ft² of other land use. Each facility is totally contained in terms of operations, including odors, noise, as well as air, water and solid pollution. These facilities are ideally suited to service a community with a total population of about 100,000 persons and about 40,000 households and commercial establishments. Drawing on a dedicated team of engineers, scientists and managers the firm has been involved in the realization of over 15 large commercial biogas installations and several smaller ones, has a broad area of expertise, and will tailor the anaerobic digestion process and biogas facility design to meet the unique needs of any project, and moving forward the firm will continue to offer this exceptional service as it seeks to support even more clients on a wider variety of projects. Best Biogas Facility Design Company 2017