AI Issue 5 2018

74 Acquisition International - Issue 5 2018 CSP is one of the leading global provider of strategic and transaction advisory services to corporate clients, private equity sponsors, and institutional lenders active in the aerospace, defence, government services, and related industries. Recently, we profiled the firm as we looked to discover more about the company, and what makes them the success as we know them today, especially following their win in Acquisition Intl’s 2017 Global Excellence Awards, where they received the truly deserved accolade Best in Commercial Due Diligence & Strategic Advisory Services – 2017. stablished in 1983 and based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, CSP is one the leading global provider of strategic and transaction advisory services to corporate clients, private equity sponsors, and institutional lenders active in the aerospace, defence, government services, and related industries. Through nearly 1,000 merger and acquisition transactions and hundreds of strategic advisory engagements, CSP has been able to create a developed and refined a transaction diligence product that is recognised by clients, professional advisors and competitors alike, as the industry standard within their served markets. CSP’s strategic advice is sought by senior decision makers who value outsourced objectivity; the team at CSP are highly analytical, deeply knowledgeable, unbiased and creative in addressing complex corporate challenges in their highly specialised served markets. CSP is different from any other advisor in the aerospace, defence and government sectors – for reasons that matter to their corporate and private equity clients. At CSP, the team serves a wide range of corporate and financial clients, from the leading global private equity sponsors and defence and aerospace contractors, to middle market financial sponsors, senior debt and mezzanine providers, and industry players within all tiers of the supply chain. Nearly all of their engagements have stemmed from repeat or referral relationships. Strategic&Transaction Advisory Leadership E 1801AI35 The firm’s roles cover the spectrum from strategy development to transaction execution and post- closing support. They develop acquisition strategies, perform corporate portfolio risk assessments, build adjacent market growth strategies, and provide buy-side and sell-side transaction diligence support – all from a deep foundation of industry knowledge and decades of experience. In today’s market, the CSP ‘brand’ is widely recognised among the many private equity sponsors, institutional lenders, and third party advisors who are active in the markets in which the firm serves. This is because a CSP diligence product translates the often arcane vocabulary of government programs and aerospace contracting into terms that investors and lenders can understand and value. By analysing and explaining the myriad market, competitive, program, customer, and financial variables that underpin any transaction opportunity, CSP created a diligence standard that has been widely adopted throughout their industry. When looking at the unique capabilities which the firm possess, they include a full spectrum of advisory abilities, which enables corporate clients to assess risk in their current portfolio, construct responsive growth strategy options, target strategically accretive transaction opportunities, and execute the right acquisition – roles that no other single consulting firm or investment bank in their served markets is as well-equipped to perform. At CSP, the clients are well-experienced private equity investors and corporate decision makers who actively seek out the firm for creative, highly analytical and fact-based analysis they can rely on to deploy significant amounts of capital. To meet their expectations, CSP has developed a range of capabilities and processes over the past three decades which are unique in their served markets. Assisting the company in meeting the expectations of the clients, is the firm’s is their team of experienced professionals in their served markets. Contact: Brad Meslin Company: CSP Associates, Inc. 55 Cambridge Parkway, Riverfront 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02142, USA Telephone: 001 617 225 2828 Web Address: “CSP is different from any other advisor in the aerospace, defence and government sectors – for reasons that matter to their corporate and private equity clients.”