AI Issue 5 2018

Acquisition International - Issue 5 2018 87 Pinkerton helps organisations to identify, mitigate and manage business risks and security concerns anywhere in the world. We profiled the firm as we looked to explore the services it offers and the values which define the company. stablished in 1850, Pinkerton offers organisations a range of corporate risk management services from security consulting and investigations to executive protection, employment screening and protective intelligence. Boasting a wealth of experience alongside a global presence, the company has employees and offices worldwide, whilst maintaining its unmatched reputation for protecting clients and their assets around the world. From risk management consulting and corporate investigations to protective security and threat response, staff at Pinkerton possess an unparalleled level of expertise in prioritising the safety and security of clients and their interests, amidst an ever evolving threat landscape. This includes hands-on experience with global operations management, employment screening, threat response, corporate investigations, training management, and even finance and contract governance. Standing out within the Risk Management industry, Pinkerton works hard to deliver smarter, faster and more scalable services, and subsequently delivers a managed service facilitated through account managers, risk advisors, and operation managers. As part of its service, the team interfaces and aligns with the client’s organisation, and provides the right organisational structure to foster business continuity. This aspect of the firm’s work is a major reason as to why so many client’s work with the firm, and is a key contributor to the company’s enhanced reputation. Operating with a long-term vision, Pinkerton has one goal, and this is to be the client’s trusted risk advisor. In order to achieve this, Pinkerton agents provide clients and other companies with access to all of the company’s global services and resources which are required for corporate risk management and security needs. Essentially, the team at Pinkerton take out the guesswork for the client and simplify the customer experience for them, taking away all the hassle that is usually associated with different countries and different departments. Importantly, for many clients, the firm is well aware that risks and security situations do not have normal operating hours, as no matter when, no matter where, the team is always able to Welcome to the Future of RiskManagement E 1803AI42 respond to clients at any given time, and clients are extremely appreciative of this fact. Embedded in Pinkerton’s ethos are its values, and with staff adhering to these values, the company is able to stand apart from its rivals in the sector. Being a Pinkerton agent means something to all of the team, and Pinkerton agents have been protecting organisations, their assets, their reputations, and their people all around the world. Ingrained into the company culture is the company motto of ‘We never sleep’, and this is reflected in employees’ ability to respond to any issue at any given time. The motto represents the allegiance to the core values of integrity, vigilance, and excellence, which is reinforced in the work that staff do, and is woven into each client interaction. These core values represent the true spirit of Pinkerton and are ordered purposefully, serving as benchmarks and checkpoints by which all agents are measured. The company’s values also makeup what staff call the Pinkerton Code of Conduct, which was first established in 1850, and remains the code that Pinkerton agents hold themselves to today. For many, Pinkerton is a company that answers a calling. A calling to serve and protect others, no matter what. With this unified sense of purpose, the company’s global force of Pinkerton agents band together and become something more than colleagues; they become a family. No matter how far they are spread around the world, Pinkerton agents are bonded together by their shared calling and their commitment to integrity, vigilance, and excellence. Ultimately, thereareavarietyofreasonswhyPinkerton has been featured as the Leading Security Consultant of the Year in Michigan by Acquisition International. Its focus on integrity has allowed the company to sustain a commitment to service, standards, and fairness throughout a 165-year history. Thorughout the company, the firm’s agents, analysts, and consultants offer clients a level of attentiveness and alertness that cannot be equalled by anyone in the eyes of the team. Lastly, Pinkerton’s mission is to protect and create value for the companies it works with. To do this, staff hold themselves to a high standard of excellence in every project and every assignment. Company: Pinkerton Contact: David Joyce Address: 101 N. Main Street, Suite 300, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104, USA Phone: 001 734 680 8248 Website: