AI Issue 6 2017

18 Acquisition International - June 2017 Law Firm Mu ž ina, Ž vipelj and Partners Ltd was recently awarded the prestigious Leading Public Procurements and Concession Consultant of the Year – Slovenia award, after which, we asked them to profile the excellent work of their law firm. he law firm Mu ž ina, Žvipelj and Partners Ltd. (in Slovene: Odvetni š ka pisarna Mu ž ina, Ž vipelj in partnerji d.o.o.), is recognised in Slovenia as one of the leading law firms in the fields of public procurement law and the law of concessions. In the framework of performing the attorney’s profession, law firm Mu ž ina, Ž vipelj and partners provides legal advice, represents and defends clients before courts, state bodies, international bodies and institutions, prepares documents and represents clients in their legal relations. The firm primarily specialises in public procurement law, public-private partnerships law, the law of concessions, administrative law, commercial law and public finance law. Additionally, we are also active in other areas of law, such as constitutional law, EU law, civil law, intellectual property law, labour law and criminal law. For this reason, the firm provides a lot of its services for the public sector, e.g. for municipalities and public companies and for private companies. One of our specialist areas of expertise is in public procurement law, where we represent clients in some of the most important national public procurement procedures. We also handle (mostly) commercial disputes and advisory work, such as with legal opinions. We have also recently successfully represented a client in proceedings at the Court of Justice of the EU (i.e. in the case Municipality of Gorje v. the Republic of Slovenia). In addition to the abovementioned, some of our important clients are municipalities and companies owned by municipalities, for whom we provide most of our concessions consulting. We have also successfully represented many private companies in reviews (i.e. legal protection procedures) of public procurement procedures, where we hold an outstanding success ratio. We strive to form longstanding relationships with our clients and offer them comprehensive services in the professional fields that we cover. Therefore, we focus on offering the best possible services to our existing and new clients and in this way, we try to help where we are most needed. As we largely handle disputes involving public and private entities, our areas of expertise naturally cover sectors, such as government and utilities. To offer the highest level of services, this always Company: Law Firm Mu ž ina, Ž vipelj and Partners Ltd. Name: Secretary’s Office Email: tajnistvo@ Web: Address: Brdnikova ulica 44, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +386 05 905 42 55 HelpWhere It Is Most Needed T 1706AI07 requires knowledge, exceeding the regulation of the public sector and the areas of public interest (such as utilities, concessions, public procurement and public-private partnerships). The firm has also accumulated vast knowledge and expertise in various industry sectors, which are the core businesses of our clients. First and foremost, we must highlight the sector of construction and materials, because many of our clients’ disputes originate from construction contracts - and these disputes always require a special knowledge of construction law. Often, in relation to public procurement procedures, disputes also arise in the sector of software and computer services or in the sector of commercial and professional services. As we work closely with some pharmaceutical companies, we also possess a thorough understanding the pharmaceuticals & life sciences sector. Our other areas of expertise include real estate and banking. The firm also cooperates in preparations of numerous proposals of regulations as well as studies and reviews of legislative acts. In this regard, the firm cooperates with all three Slovene universities and other reputable research institutions. Our clients are various domestic and foreign economic companies and corporations. Our foreign clients are based e.g. in Norway, Austria, France, Italy and Croatia. The team Attorney dr. Aleksij Mu ž ina, assistant professor and attorney mag. Marko Ž vipelj are the partners who are leading the firm. The team also consists of two other lawyers – attorney mag. Sara Kor š ič and attorney Tanja Vodovnik, one candidate attorney, as. Ž iga Rejc, and two legal advisers - dr. Klemen Pohar, LL.M and Bojan Medica. All the team members greatly contribute to the firm’s success with their dedication, enthusiasm, hard work and highly professional approach. The team members all hold a university degree in law or a higher qualification, so they are highly experienced in their respective areas of interest. They constantly perfect their knowledge to stay on top of their fields - and contribute to the development and interpretation of the law - through publishing articles and papers and lecturing at universities.