AI Magazine Issue 7 2018

Acquisition International - Issue 7 2018 11 Founded in 2016, Carter Collins and Myer Ltd (CCM) have quickly made an impact on the sector with their work in the areas of tax, payroll, estate planning and business finance. It was for this undisputed expertise that Carter Collins and Myer Ltd were named the Best Business Advisory & Accountancy Firm for North West England in our 2018 Accounting, Audit and Tax Awards. On the back of this selection, we wanted to examine exactly how the team at CCM had made its mark in just over two years of operation. CM | Carter Collins and Myer was founded in 2016 by Rob Newman and Andrew Barker to act, primarily, as a business advisory and accountancy firm. To achieve this, they offer a comprehensive range of financial and business support services, alongside strategic advice, with the aim of developing their client’s businesses through day-to-day accounting, auditing and taxation services. Though the firm has been operating since 2016, they can trace their roots back to 1957 through various predecessor businesses – serving multi-sector clients from their offices in Rochdale and Stockport, they are perfectly placed to aid businesses across North West England, and the rest of the UK. Over the past two years, they have expanded their client base on the back of overwhelmingly positive reviews, and testimonials across several independent platforms. Tellingly, over 90% of their Company: Carter Collins & Myer Limited Website: Phone: 01706 860255 Counting on the Experts C AAT18030 custom is a combination of repeat business, or new clients who have enquired on the back of recommendations of existing clients. This client- first outlook has swiftly made them one of the go-to advisory firm for SMEs in England, and around the world. Looking at the team behind the business, it is not hard to see why they have succeeded in growing their pristine reputation. Rob Newman has over 20 years’ experience working in the accountancy sector, having received his BA in Economics and Social Science from the University of Manchester in 1996. He’s currently studying for his MBA from the University of the People in Pasadena, California. Before CCM, Rob was a Managing Partner of Chancery Accounts. In many ways, Rob is uniquely suited to business advisory, having started several companies over the years, he is well- versed in the potential pitfalls, and benefits involved in running a successful business. Andrew Barker received his BA in Finance and Communications from Newcastle University in 2009, joining the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales in 2014. Andy began his career at the Montpelier Group as a Trainee Accountant in 2010, moving on to become an Accountant at Chancery Accounts in September 2013. Andy fuels CCM’s expansion, with an expertise that caters to Entrepreneurs, HNWIs, and Contractors –and strengths that include financial management, cashflow forecasting, business structuring, and corporation taxation. Rob’s noted experience, alongside Andrew’s diverse professional background, are the driving forces behind CCM’s success, and made it clear that the firm was truly deserving of recognition in AI Magazine’s annual Accountancy, Audit and Tax Awards. This global programme was specifically designed to showcase firms, of all sizes, from all corners of the world. For 2018 and beyond, CCM is looking to consolidate their expertise, and expand their global presence into new markets. One area of particular interest moving forwards is commercial finance, which has seen the team recently work on deals ranging between £20,000 and £20 million. Counting on the Experts