AI Magazine Issue 7 2018

32 Acquisition International - Issue 7 2018 Moorcrofts Corporate Law is a boutique firm, focusing on corporate and contract law, tech law, employment (including employee incentivisation), compliance and commercial property. We profiled the firm and spoke to CEO and Head of Corporate, Teri Hunter as we seek to gain an insight into its ongoing achievements. ounded in 2000, Moorcrofts now boasts one of the largest corporate teams in Thames Valley, focusing intensely on providing real expertise and in-depth experience in its chosen fields. Having built an impressive reputation, the well-renowned team acts for some of the biggest names around, boasting an international clientele ranging from entrepreneurs to US stock-market listed companies. Integral to the firm’s accomplishments have been its approach to working with new clients, and Teri kicks off the discussion by describing what techniques she and her team employ to ensure right from the start that the outcome meets the needs of everyone involved. “From the outset, it is vitally important for us to find out about the business of our client and what the plans are with the development of their firm and their exit plans, so everything we do from share schemes to commercial agreements and exit planning, meets those outcomes from the beginning. This ensures we are not drafting documents that could later cause them a problem. “Furthermore, we also look to get to know their team and management team and identify the types of things we would be able to commercially help them with, not just by offering a strictly legal view. Company: Moorcrofts Corporate Law Contact: Teri Hunter Address: Thames House, Mere Park, Dedmore Road, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 1PB, UK Phone: 01628 4700004 Website: Dynamic Corporate Law FirmAdopt a Commercial Approach toMaximise Clients Potential F 1805AI53 In this respect, we would look at many elements, including, how many employees they intend to grow to and how they are going to manage those employees? Also, we find out if they are talking about making potential acquisitions or rolling out commercial contracts. “Lastly, we would be involved at the commercial stage of those decisions, so we can give some input to the legal structure we might put in place; but also, so they feel they have a business adviser they can rely on. We become so integrated as part of their team that we act as an in-house legal function.” Whilst operating within the legal sector, Teri and the team have faced many challenges which they have had to overcome due to the evolving nature of the industry, and she describes how the team has dealt with these challenges and been able to turn them into opportunities. “Over the years, we have ramped up our team and increased in size quite considerably due to our ever-increasing workload and new clients who have joined. The challenge is to make sure all our lawyers work to the same ethos, with a dedicated and strong commercial approach and the message we give to our clients is consistent and collaborative. “Our team ethic has also enabled us and encouraged us to adapt to the developments which are constantly arising in the market. In 2008, the UK suffered the recession which was at a time when Moorcrofts were still quite a fledging law firm. To help us attract new clients at that time, we diversified into share schemes. We have now developed strong expertise in share schemes and structuring. This type of work provides us with an insight into the way clients work. As such, we become very embedded within our client’s businesses and gain an understanding what their exit objectives are, “Ultimately, the plan for the next three years is to consolidate the team that we’ve got and continue to provide the high level of service to our clients.”