AI Magazine Issue 7 2018

Acquisition International - Issue 7 2018 33 Dynamic Corporate Law Firm Adopt a Commercial Approach to Maximise Clients Potential which then feeds into the M&A work. As a result, this has been a good opportunity for us over the last ten years and an area that continues to flourish.” Overall, Moorcrofts Corporate Law would not have been able to achieve the success it has had it not been for the team’s unrivalled knowledge, customer service and internal culture within the firm which allows every employee to thrive. In her concluding comments, Teri explains how the working environment has benefitted the company, by outlining where she wants the firm to be in the near future. “Internally, training is key for us. We provide daily on the job training for our junior lawyers, providing constant insight and feedback. It is vitally important for their development and their interest levels that when they’re working on a large transaction that there not just given a small piece of documents to prepare, but that they understand all the headline issues and are kept in the loop on the progress of the deal and the bigger issues. “There is a clear career path for lawyers when they start with Moorcrofts, with well-defined programmes which need to be achieved to move to the next hurdle. We invest heavily in our Junior lawyers so they develop through the firm. Also, we provide great value in staff understanding Moorcrofts commercial ethos and as a result have a high staff retention. “Ultimately, the plan for the next three years is to consolidate the team that we’ve got and continue to provide the high level of service to our clients, whilst at the same time making sure that we have got appropriate cover for the level of deals that we’re doing, as well as servicing the amount of work that continues to come in and continues to increase.”