AI Magazine Issue 7 2018

Acquisition International - Issue 7 2018 49 Experience That Matters important, each individual client has trusted Harris Law to handle the one case that is likely the most important thing in the client’s life. Harris Law has established itself as a legal leader in the community, but this positioning is not without challenges. Harris Law consistently finds itself unable to meet the high demand of the community’s legal needs. As a result, Harris Law has had to limit new case acquisition and has continued to hire professional and efficient staff to meet increasing demands. This is a challenge any small firm attorney will have if they have developed a winning and successful strategy. I refer to this approach as “the small firm version of powerhouse litigation firms”. Harris Law works smarter, not harder. Finally, Harris Law creates a habit of success for its clients. Whether it be in my personal life or in my representation of clients, I take to heart the enduring words of Anne Frank, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” It is this direction that helps our clients find their way.