AI Issue 8 2017

Acquisition International - 2017 Excellence Awards 103 Best for Transport Component Manufacturing the ability to anticipate potential developments, negotiating their way through these challenges thanks to a wealth of experience. With the creative minds drawing on their experience, the future looks very bright indeed for the company. The firm is not only about evolving their products but also helping the customers and guaranteeing the best results possible, as Andrew observes. “Ultimately, our Internet of Things and predictive technologies are proving of great interest. Building these capabilities into our existing products and future ones will not only help our customers but also be key to our product evolution cycle. We have had great success in deploying this technology into the rail industry as well as an entry into aviation.” Regarding the global corporate landscape, and the ever changing developments within the industry, Andrew states that the company is already adapting, and this is potentially where the future lies for the company. “As we explore the wider market and the opportunities presented by our IOT technology, we are getting directly involved in the whole ‘Big Data’ arena, which is unusual for an SME, but I see a genuine future for this in our core product development and product reliability. We will truly be connected to the end customer for all the right reasons. Creative thinking is a great enabler and can break down many of the traditional barriers to entry that smaller organisations face.”