AI Issue 8 2017

Acquisition International - 2017 Excellence Awards 105 Best for Health & Safety - Scotland for example, explaining the legal ramifications. We also do a lot of networking as a company. I think staying in regular contact with key people in each industry is the best way to stay ahead of emerging developments. “The culture within the company is fun. We all work really hard but we love the law and get such a buzz out of helping our clients when the you-know-what hits the fan. Our culture is very much to become part of our clients’ team, so we invest emotionally in our work too which I think the clients really appreciate.” Moving forward Carole is optimistic about the future for the Ferguson Legal. She is obviously excited about expanding the team, building on the recent success the practice has achieved. “Overall, the future is looking really bright for Ferguson Legal. I am proud of the work we have done and the difference we have made to our clients so far so I just want to build on that. We are looking at expanding the team in the near future, which is exciting.”