AI Issue 8 2017

Acquisition International - 2017 Excellence Awards 109 Best Autism Treatment & Prevention Centre to conferences and conventions in the field, and to visit other ABA service providers to stay abreast with the most current research and best-practices.” Regarding the global corporate landscape, Thea discusses what developments she foresees and how the centre and its employees will adapt around these advances, pointing out the continuous investment in staff training. Looking forward, Thea also tells us what the future holds for the centre and what the future plans are for Tomorrow’s Voices Intervention Centre. “As the statistics for those touched by autism continues to grow internationally we will remain invested in supporting these children and their families. We will continue to invest in the training of our staff locally and internationally so that they are kept in tune with new research and techniques available by our international counterparts. “The future is very bright as we continue to look at growing and expending our services to reach more children needing ABA and research based support. As we continue to serve this population we look at areas of growth in adult services, additional consulting in schools and creating other initiatives that will serve the community.”