AI Issue 8 2017

32 Acquisition International - August 2017 OPTIM-AL Ltd., selected as part of Top 50 in Technology, is a provider of IT solutions and software for manufacturing and logistics. We interviewed the firm’s manager, Krassimir Gurov to find out more about the firm’s offerings and how they are applied. PTIM-AL Ltd., founded in 1996, is a provider of IT solutions and software for manufacturing and logistics. Proprietary products and contemporary technologies are used for implementing projects in the following application areas: • Manufacturing operations management; • Management of production and warehouse logistics (incl. WMS); • Assets tracking and maintenance and; • Real time locating (RTLS) and in door positioning. The firm’s manager, Krassimir Gurov begins by revealing more about the firm’s exciting software offerings and their approach when undertaking a new client or project. “Field Force Automation solutions bring the benefits of computing and wireless connectivity to the point of action as stand-alone systems and/or extensions of existing corporate software. Material and product flows tagging and automatic identifying allow tracking and tracing, productivity measurement and key performance indicators (KPI) supervision. “The FASTY software platform provides a broad base for variety of customised solutions, aimed at digitising work processes and at transparency of manufacturing. OPTIM-AL offers: technical consulting, software development, wireless LAN design and deployment, system integration and maintenance. The own products and industry experience are combined with RFID, IIoT, M2M, and wireless communications technologies to achieve highly effective turnkey projects. “When undertaking a new client or project, there is no single standardised approach. Every client and project in our industry is unique. We rely on expertise, experience and some proven patterns.” Krassimir then impresses upon us what being selected as part of Top 50 in Technology means to both him and the firm. “We are delighted to be selected as part of this prestigious Top 50 in Technology award, and it makes us proud of our hard work here, and motivates us to continue achieving excellence in all that we do. The award is a wonderful Company: OPTIM-AL Ltd Name: Krassimir Gurov PhD Email: [email protected] Web: Address: Sofia 1612, Tzar Boris III Blvd. 7, Floor 6, Office 8, Business Center ‘BALKAN’ Bulgaria Phone: +359 2 951 67 22 KeepMother Nature Green O 1707AI22 encouragement for me, my team and everybody that works at OPTIM-AL Ltd and we would like to thank you very much for including us in this, it certainly means a lot to us.” OPTIM-AL’s FASTY horizontal solution has been proven in various industries including: car battery production; pharmaceutical; plastic packaging moulding; metal processing and can production; warehousing and distribution, covering all chain of materials management, QA, WIP reporting, product flow tracking and finished goods management. Krassimir is keen to give us more details on the firm’s software offerings. “FASTY Assets (assets tracking and maintenance product) is well accepted in business and state administration. The recent research is on applying new technologies and IT solutions, to measuring KPI and monitoring manufacturing operations. It is dedicated to digital transformation, aiming at stand- alone services for operational management and/or integration to ERP. “OPTIM-AL can offer expertise and subcontracting in IT projects for manufacturing to industrial partners who need to improve their production tracking and tracing, monitoring of manufacturing processes and warehouse management etc. The goal is achievement of real-time process visibility to provide enhanced business intelligence, decision- making support and more effective manufacturing. We can also offer expertise to IT partners and investors who seek: new related or complementary business lines; research and technical cooperation and/or subcontracting plus new offerings to existing customers and new markets.” Krassimir then directs out attention to the state of the wider software sector today, plus the essential attributes for a firm such as OPTIM-AL Ltd to achieve success. “Looking at wider sector developments, Industry 4 wave, industrial internet of things and various aspects of digitalisation revolutionise the approaches to the factory of the future are important to us. We try to select adequate points of all these novelty flows - to keep our projects close to the contemporary trends and the customers’ requirements.