AI Issue 8 2017

Acquisition International - August 2017 55 Innovative Tax and Regulatory Solutions Strategy In today’s environment, the tax and regulatory function must contribute to financial performance of a firm like any other part functions, Siddharth adds. “This is vital at a time when opportunities, as well as threats, are coming from so many different directions. Markets are opening around the world. Global, multilateral and bilateral trade pacts continually influence market and supply chain structures. Delivery channels are multiplying, with many removing barriers to entry. Corporates are increasingly pursuing market space, through mergers, acquisitions and alliances. “As ownership and operations spread cross borders, the complexity of tax and regulatory compliances grows exponentially. Managing this complexity goes well beyond tax and regulatory compliance planning, we believe. “The benefits of using tax to an organisation’s competitive advantage, are too important to underestimate. The ability to capitalise on low effective tax rates, whether domestically or across multiple jurisdictions, can directly impact market valuation. How tax is treated in a transaction can be critical in determining the success of a new venture. “Tax, in other words, can no longer be treated as an afterthought; it has to be an integral part of an organisations concerned with forward planning. The ability to minimise tax and maximise value, depends on ability to implement a forward-looking tax strategy. Moreover, to be successful, the speed at which ideas are put into action is critical.” In closing, Siddharth explains how the firm truly puts ideas to work. “We continually strive to look beyond the obvious and challenge conventional thought, to craft innovative tax and regulatory solutions. At the same time, we firmly believe that every idea is only as good as its effective implementation and as such, we are focused on putting ideas to work for clients.”