AI Issue 8 2017

Acquisition International - August 2017 59 Delivering Excellence in Performance 2b Limitless testimonials “The coaching with Mick helped me focus on my goals, my strengths and to be consistent. It transformed my life, privately as well as in business.” Abdul-Aziz Al-Yaqout, CEO Al-Yaqout Group, Dubai & Kuwait. “Mick Todd has a contagious persona which is ideally suited to working with teams and in our case harnessing the cultural shift required as the business of managing hotels, in an increasingly competitive environment continues to call for evolution and innovative mindsets. I have enjoyed working with Mick both professionally and personally as much of what is relevant to professional growth, is also in some ways relevant to personal development to make people better human beings, at least that is the case in my own experience working with Mick!” Shaun Parsons, general manager, Le Meridien, Dubai. “Our team would not have experienced the success that it has achieved without our partnership with 2B Limitless. Mick and the 2B Limitless team have helped our team to develop stronger relationships both amongst ourselves and with our partners. Our classification as a ‘high performing team’, owes a huge debt of gratitude to Mick and his team.” Simon Copleston, Group General Counsel & Board Secretary, ADCB – Abu Dhabi.