AI Issue 8 2017

62 Acquisition International - August 2017 MoneySoft publishes software productivity tools in the areas of business valuation, mergers and acquisitions, financial analysis and fixed asset accounting and control. We spoke to Robert Machiz to learn more about the firm and the solutions it provides, to celebrate their success in receiving the exclusive Best M&A Software Publisher – USA accolade. stablished in 1991, MoneySoft publishes software productivity tools for practitioners in areas of business valuation, mergers and acquisitions, financial analysis and fixed asset accounting and control. Robert B. Machiz outlines to us the type of clients the firm works with and the services they provide to them. “MoneySoft works with middle-market buyers and intermediaries, as well as business valuation professionals to provide themwith financial software productivity tools that streamline the process of normalising and analysing financial statement data, preparing forward-looking statements, valuing and pricing a company and evaluating the ROI based on comprehensive post-closing assumptions. “The analytical output of the programme is used to create valuations/appraisals, confidential selling memoranda, and acquisition proposals. Our clients work on both the sell-side and the buy-side.” About clients, here is some feedback the firm received on their DealSense® programme: “We are quite pleased with ‘DealSense’. We have incorporated it into our overall valuation process and estimate that it reduces our valuation work time by 15 to 20 hours on each file, and allows us to prepare a codicil (value update) in approximately two hours, compared to an average of eight to ten hours in our old system.” The time saved and insight gained, allows advisors to better use their time to prepare the company for market (pre-sale due diligence) and to build value for their client, Robert underlines. He then shares his views on the M&Amarket in the region currently. Company: MoneySoft, Inc. Name: Robert B. Machiz Email: [email protected] Web: Address: 1 E Washington Street, Suite 500, Phoenix, AZ 85004 USA Phone: +1 602 266 7710 Remaining Competitive and Profitable E MA170046 “The M&A market is robust and competitive. Remaining competitive and profitable requires the adoption of technology to streamline workflow and perform more thorough pre-sale due diligence, to minimise downstream surprises. “Failure to perform a robust pre-sale diligence can lead to surprises. which can result in price adjustments, escrowed proceeds and stringent contract terms. In some cases, surprises ‘discovered’, in deal due diligence can cause a buyer to withdraw. The cost of walking away from a deal and the dissonance of ‘surprises’, can negatively impact an intermediary’s brand. We also offer technology to make M&A professionals more productive and effective.” Robert then underlines the attributes that differentiate the firm from their competitors. “For MoneySoft DealSense, the main competition is the Excel spreadsheet and the in-house models (or multiple models), that are developed by staff and used within the company. For those seeking a better alternative (or supplement), there are several business valuation programmes that are available. “However, DealSense is unique because it not only address valuation, it includes pricing, deal terms, allocation, transaction funding and integrated post- deal financial projections based upon line-item assumptions to evaluate the IRR on firm-level free cash flows (FCF) available to the buyer.” As a concluding remark, Robert is keen to showcase the attributes which set his firm’s innovative solution apart. “When it comes to M&A software tools, the most common one is the deal room, which is an online repository and management system for deal-related documents. Secure deal rooms can streamline the dissemination of documents, eliminating delivery and printing costs, and greatly reducing time.” “However, when it comes to pricing, structuring and evaluating a deal opportunity, M&A practitioners are left with tools for performing valuations only or writing and managing their own spreadsheets. DealSense provides a better way, going well beyond valuation, and provides a reliable alternative (or supplement) to time-consuming spreadsheets.” “The analytical output of the programme is used to create valuations/appraisals, confidential selling memoranda, and acquisition proposals. Our clients work on both the sell-side and the buy-side .”