AI Issue 8 2017

Acquisition International - 2017 Excellence Awards 93 Sebastian Rubera & Associates is a Melbourne based law firm focusing on family law firm. We invited Founder Sebastian Rubera to learn more about the firm and the services it provides. ebastian Rubera & Associates has been in the area of Family Law in the sense that the Firm provides a holistic approach to this area of Law. Clients with relationship problems generally suffer from limiting patterns of behaviour which make resolution of their particular issues very difficult, as Sebastian explains. “Our Award has been in the area of Family Law in the sense that the Firm provides a holistic approach to this area of Law. Clients with relationship problems generally suffer from limiting patterns of behaviour which make resolution of their particular issues very difficult. “Through our work we have provided an environment to assist both with legal and emotional support as emotional issues often cloud clear judgement and make for unreasonable behaviour and decisions which are at times regrettable. Company: Sebastian Rubera & Associates Pty Ltd Contact: Sebastian Rubera Email: reception@ Address: 1st Floor, 347-349 King Street, Melbourne, VIC 3003, Australia Phone: 0061 9329 1458 Sebastian Rubera & Associates Pty Ltd Best Family Law Firm S GE170028 Best Family Law Firm “Overall, our objective is to provide our clients with answers to legal questions in a peaceful, tranquil environment and to support our clients emotionally in the process. It is my belief that a tranquil environment particularly where a client is suffering from emotional distress creates an atmosphere which is conducive to resolution and to facilitate decisions to be made with openness and clarity.” Moving forward, Sebastian and his team will continue to offer clients the solutions they need to succeed, as he concludes. “Ultimately, working with a variety of clients means providing a range of services and different support. In relation to the corporate clients the environment still has an impact and assists clear thinking and a clear decision making process. Of course, the commercial clients and the Family Law clients have quite different requirements and the level of support is also quite different, and as such we are constantly looking to adapt our processes to meet their needs, which will remain our ongoing focus.”