AI Magazine Issue 8 2018

10 Acquisition International - Issue 8 2018 Established in 1954, Perlen Packaging is an international film manufacturing and coating firm, and part of the CPH Group. With manufacturing plants in Switzerland, Germany, China, the United States and Brazil, they have a truly global network, and a vast presence in the packaging industry. In July, Perlen’s CEO, Wolfgang Grimm, was named in Acquisition International Magazine’s 2018 CEO of the Year Awards, with the title of Packaging CEO of the Year. Following on from this well- deserved win, we sat down with Wolfgang to find out some of the secrets of Perlen’s enduring, expansive success. erlen Packaging is a company that moulds itself to the needs of its clients. As the only systems provider of packaging films with a clearly defined pharmaceutical profile, it is also uniquely placed to fulfil the ever-changing requirements of its global network of clients. By all regards, Perlen is ahead of the curve, and ahead of its time; with amindset tuned towards innovation, adaption and improvement. Their products serve to remedy needs in the market – from a robust anti-counterfeiting solution, to the highest moisture barrier protection for demanding climate zones – and seek to deliver solutions to problems. For the last fifteen years, Wolfgang Grimm has been at the helm of Perlen Packaging, driving it towards a period of remarkable growth. Wolfgang has overseen Perlen’s expansion into South America, and China, and looks fit to see further expansion in the years to come. After all, as the core pharmaceutical industry continues to grow, so too will companies that fulfil their product demands. To start in an apt place, Wolfgang details Perlen’s approach to global growth; “As a packaging material supplier to the pharmaceutical industry, we are acting in a global environment. Asia with China, and other emerging markets like Brazil, are the fastest growing markets. So, we have been expanding our global presence with plants in those regions, in order to participate in the growth of these markets. Contact: Wolfgang Grimm, CEO Company: Perlen Packaging Address: Perlenring 3; CH- 6035 Perlen, Switzerland Moulding the Future of the Pharmaceutical Packaging Industry P 1808AI20 We are also following our international customers who operate in these regions, as we would like to guarantee the same service and quality standards in the emerging markets as we provide for them in Europe today.” “We are already supplying a number of the international pharmaceutical companies in those areas, but as a long-term business partner to them, we also have to be able to supply them from China or from Brazil. But, on the other hand, local pharmaceutical companies are also important to our strategy; we strongly believe that we cannot develop those potential clients from a distance. As a priority, we want to establish a very localised presence in China.” Ultimately, this growth acts as the primary agent in achieving a new milestone for Perlen, hitting an annual turnover of CHF 200 million; “Our objective is to bring Perlen’s packaging business to over CHF 200 million turnover in the next few years, and our Asian and Brazilian operations are a step to achieving that goal. Right now, we provide solutions for solid doses – that’s our business currently – but you can also use our packaging material for dry powder, such as asthma inhalers and liquid doses for eye care.” “As a result, we are offering solutions for these areas within pharmaceuticals, while we also have plans to go down different routes in time. We are taking advantage of some new opportunities to collaborate in the packaging field, while also assisting pharmaceutical companies in developing new products.” One of the largest trends in the pharmaceutical industry at the moment is a greater need for systems providers over packaging suppliers. Naturally, this is something that Perlen is monitoring with interest, seeing it a potential new revenue stream; “We are “We are taking advantage of some new opportunities to collaborate in the packaging field, while also assisting pharmaceutical companies in developing new products.”