AI Magazine Issue 8 2018

36 Acquisition International - Issue 8 2018 Excellius Leadership Development is a leadership development firm focused on three areas of work - leadership coaching, team coaching, and strategic thinking and planning. Ed Evarts, Author, Speaker, Leadership Coach, Founder, and President at Excellius Leadership Development tells us more about the firm and the services they provide. eadership Coaching Individuals and corporations increasingly turn to coaching to transform the variety of challenges facing today’s business professionals into opportunities. Coaching creates real-time, tailored solutions, focused on the unique needs and environment of each participant. Coaching engagements provide a variety of interactive activities, including off-site strategy planning sessions and on-site presentation observations. With coaching, clients experience increased clarity, stronger alignment, and the satisfaction derived from executing realistic, actionable plans. All coaching engagements include the following: • focused and tailored 1:1 coaching sessions • 360° feedback collection from colleagues • start-up and close-out sessions with client and manager • candid and honest feedback and thoughts • reliable and valid assessment(s) • unlimited e-mail & telephone availability Team Coaching Workplaces expect more and more from you and your colleagues. In order to keep up with this increasing workload, many organisations create teams to share expertise and get the job done well and on time. With your already busy workload, the quality of time you spend with your team is becoming increasingly important. You may participate on a high-performing team, running under budget and ahead of schedule. Deadlines are met, and the team is aligned. Or, you may participate on a low-performing team. Leadership may be unfocused and weak; agendas absent or ignored. Agreements and understandings may be conflicting. Folks arrive late, if they show at all. Next steps and deliverables are barely discussed or documented. If this is your team, it has a high risk of becoming ineffective and unproductive. Whether you are on a high- or low- performing team, Excellius Leadership Development can help you achieve more. Effective and productive teams: • know the common purpose and performance goals; Contact: Ed Evarts Company: Excellius Leadership Development Location: Boston, MA Phone number: 617-549-1391 Web address: Excellius Leadership Development L 1808AI02 • drive strong performance standards and place a premium on accountability; • are energising and challenging; • enjoy the good times and they stick together during the bad times; • perform highly as their normal state; • trust and respect one another; • produce work by the team, by sub-groups or individuals within the team; • create clear roles, accountabilities, responsibilities and decision rights; • drive effectiveness, performance and results through collaboration; and • are bound together by mutual accountability. No two teams are alike, and customisation is the key to success. We design our Team Coaching by considering four Team Fundamentals – Team Charter, Collaboration, Team Roles, and Mutual Accountability. If these four fundamentals don’t exist on your team, we help create them through: • team education on the key domains of team effectiveness and performance; • data gathering and analysis to assess the team’s current levels of effectiveness and performance; • introduction of methods, practices and tools that increase progress and outcomes; and • design of team specific improvements to increase its effectiveness. Strategic Thinking and Planning At some point in your organisation’s evolution, strategic thinking and planning will play a role. It might be early in your organisation’s history when how to enter the marketplace and raise your visibility and value is paramount. Or, it may be later in your organisation’s history, when market and competitor realities are clearer and more impactful. Regardless of when you begin to strategically think and plan, you will need help in doing it effectively. Excellius Leadership Development works with its clients to help them think and plan more strategically. Take note that thinking strategically and planning strategically are two different behaviours. When you think strategically, every piece of information you see or hear may impact your organisation. By thinking strategically, you are ensuring that very little information gets by.