AI Magazine Issue 8 2018

38 Acquisition International - Issue 8 2018 Roc Technologies is an award-winning technology and business services provider, based out of Newbury in Berkshire. In July, Roc was recognised in Acquisition International Magazine’s esteemed 2018 Global Excellence Awards programme as Most Outstanding Business Transformation Services Provider of 2018, with the CEO, Matt Franklin, being named as the UK CEO of the Year in Transformation Services. On the back of this achievement, we spoke with Matt to see how he has spearheaded the business to the success it celebrates today. oc Technologies has swiftly become the industry expert in transformative services. Since 2011, Roc have credited their growth on their collaborative partnerships with clients, and a goal-driven outlook that has seen successful delivery of exceptional results across the UK and overseas. With clients that include HSBC, Mercedes-Benz, and Nestle, Roc Technologies has grown a following of some of the largest names on the corporate landscape. By all regards, they are a trusted service that looks set to become one of the expert voices in the global market. This success has been driven, primarily, by Chief Executive Matt Franklin, who has an established history of achieving results in challenging industries. Matt starts the interview by explaining how Roc approaches a new client, “From project initiation Roc applies its proven ATLAS project management to ensure projects are delivered to time, quality and budget requirements. Roc is focussed on ensuring the business outcomes are clearly defined and captured at the start of all projects and are monitored throughout the project lifecycle. According to the world’s largest research study into projects and programmes, projects fail due to sentiment bias and Roc monitors stakeholder sentiment using applications based upon this research.” Indeed, this is a sentiment that carries over to all aspects of the company, a preparedness that few can match. Problems are solved before they arise, plans are put in place, wherever possible, to navigate any potential difficulty. Roc Technologies are meticulous in their services, speaking to the expertise at the company’s foundation and core. As the world is moving ever-more towards digitisation, businesses are having to adapt to fast- paced developments. Matt sees these, simply, as opportunities for further growth; “The migration Contact: Matt Franklin Company: Roc Technologies Limited, Wharf House, Wharf Street, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5AP, UK Telephone: 01635 5811 88 Web Address: www.roctechnologies .com Destined to Become one of theWorld’s Leading Transformational Services Providers R 1808AI40 to the cloud and consumption based IT is gaining momentum. Automation and machine learning is presenting lots of opportunities which Roc is well positioned to capitalise on. Naturally, there are considerable challenges on the path to becoming a global powerhouse in the industry, but Matt is, above all, optimistic in Roc’s ability to weather any difficulties. “We recently took on funding to support the business plan and there is an increased focus on governance and reporting. Roc is the fastest growing IT services provider in the UK and that growth presents many challenges. We manage this through an empowered management using the solutions we provide to the market that provide us with efficient processes and comprehensive management information. The IT landscape is complex and challenging. Roc focuses on our P3 proposition to simplify this complexity.” Matt goes on to detail the changes in the technology and consultancy sectors, and how Roc plans to adapt accordingly; “We see a growing shift in the market from large monolithic IT contracts to more focussed agile services. Roc is positioning itself as the innovative partner to exploit this trend. We are aligning to the proliferation of connecting devices and automation. We have created an Artificial Intelligence lab and are working with a number of key clients on proof of concept initiatives. We are investing secure cloud based services for our government, higher education and life sciences clients.” Despite being recognised by the Financial Times, and the London Stock Exchange as one of the fastest growing companies in Europe, and a source of inspiration for companies in Britain, Matt wants to grow the company even further; “First and foremost, we want to build a great business that is famous for