Acquisition International - Issue 8 2022 11 Most Creative Consultancy CFO (Latin America): Agustín Correa In terms of Agustín Correa’s personal efforts, he has been able to use his education from the University of Buenos Aires in order to become one of the foremost Chief Financial Officers in the Bogota D.C. Metropolitan Area, Colombia, and Central America in the macro scale. He boasts several international finance credentials, as well as 18 years of cross-functional expertise in business, market analysis, accounting, taxes, credit, and collections, as well as control in the advertising and consultancy service for the consumer goods industries. Moreover, he has gained additional accreditation for his ability to combine strong analytical skill with business insights. In the past, he has plied this trade for a few other equally as impressive companies, too, allowing him the personal professional growth that he has needed to reach the lofty position in industry that he holds presently, emboldened by the trust of peers, partners, and clients alike. These have included J. Walter Thompson Worldwide, Adidas, and Cencosud S.A., and have seen him build his skills in everything from client negotiation and forecasting to leadership, strategy, business planning, financial analysis, accounting, internal auditing, and project management. As Agustín Correa and Wunderman Thompson continue to move forward into the future, therefore, the company has been able to promise a prevailing dedication to client success and satisfaction, one that will allow customers to find ways to thrive, grow, and conquer. Company: Wunderman Thompson Contact: Agustín Correa Website: