AI Issue 9 2017

Acquisition International - September 2017 19 Sir Fred is a world class International Communication, Advertising and PR company based in London and operating worldwide are known for turning ideas into profits. We spoke to Francesca Rossi to discuss how she feels being the ones to watch in communication and PR within the UK. rancesca Rossi established Sir Fred in 2012, holding nine years of experience in international roles, with the aim of founding the best agency that a client could work with. Currently, Francesca believes that the firm are doing all the right things since clients have tended to associate the firm, sharing some exciting feelings about the services provided, notably a fast delivery, effective and disruptive content which reaches the target audience. Francesca provides us with the details of her role, how she is at the centre of the business and takes an active role in working with clients and describing how staff integrate innovation into every aspect of the company’s work. “Being the Founder of the firm, I am involved in lots of aspects, such as writing a business strategy, working closely with the creative department, meeting clients and dealing with them at senior level, organizing what is needed for that particular project, and so forth. We handle everything in- house. I am lucky to work with a great international in-house staff and external freelancers; we do not have any interns because, honestly there is not the time. Sometimes we have to deliver a luxury brochure with photos and text, printed within 18/20 days; other times we have a shooting day on a Monday, and by Friday the video and photos are retouched, approved and ready to go on air. “Innovation is crucial: every day there is a new app, a new software, a new tool, a new way of communicating; it’s mandatory to be up-to-date and experiment with innovation on a daily basis to offer to clients, the best option available and eventually saving either time or budget.” In order to be a successful business, firms must attract the best business and clients. To do this, Sir Fred must distinguish itself from other similar companies and mark itself out as the best possible option. Francesca states how staff always go the extra mile for clients and how the firm possess only professionals who can provide the best service in their respective fields. “The UK market is structured in a way where you should be specialised in a single discipline; it could be Advertising, PR, Packaging, etc. Our way of working is exactly the opposite; we start with a solid strategy that either help clients with brand awareness or increasing sales; then we choose the right tools, and when necessary, we involve experts Contact: Francesca Rossi, Founder Contact Email: [email protected] Company: Sir Fred Address: Hill Street, Mayfair, W1J2JW, London Phone: + 44(0)207 720 34 37 Web Address: Turning Ideas into Profits TM F 1708AI34 in that field. No interns, no juniors; only experts with a strong experience in that particular field. “We also continually run the extra mile; that means that we help our clients, when required, with customer service, changing third party contracts, producing products more efficiently, etc. New clients are disarmed at the beginning and tend to test us on a small project. When they see/experience what we are about, they are shockingly surprised and happy, because they feel they can trust us. In 13 years, I never missed a deadline, despite having experienced lots of setbacks and co during this period. That is because we are really good with planning in advance in order to be crystal clear that if we say we deliver it, we do it, no matter what.” Guaranteeing that the clients receive the best services they possibly can, staff must be able to work together as a team. Francesca describes the internal culture of the firm, noting how the team is formed of people who all agree with the company values and are innovative. “Our team is formed by people with incredible skills that agree with our company values, which are: • Seek the WOW factor. • Be Open-minded and Curious. • Be Humble. • Achieve the Unachievable.” With regard to the future of the firm, Francesca tells us about her future plans and projects for the company, mentioning that the company are looking to expand as well as revealing her own personal wishes. This type of ambition and innovation will surely set the firm up for a bright and exciting future, thanks to Francesca and all her staff. “Unfortunately, I cannot predict the future; however, I know that we are going to expand soon. We have a plan for our future, of course, we challenge it quite often to see if we are working to achieve our company targets. “Ultimately, I have a wish: to work with Cigarette Racing. I have a secret passion: I love racing cars, racing motorbike, racing boats, every motorised transportation that goes super-fast is awesome; however, Cigarette Racing is my favourite: that sound when the engine starts, just WOW. One day, we will work together.”