Issue 9 2024

Issue 9 2024, Acquisition International | 19 Contact: Enrique Cheang Vera Company: ECV & Associates Web Address: A Venezuelan IP Lawyer You Can Trust Beginning his venture into the world of Intellectual Property over three decades ago, Enrique Cheang Vera has since ascended Venezuela’s ranks in order to provide intellectual asset owners robust defence mechanisms that were guaranteed to work. Having identified that many clients across the country were left unprotected due to the region’s limited understanding of IP management, Enrique opted to forge tangible solutions that were set to change everything. By constantly analysing various forms of protection, while simultaneously monitoring the international environment, he was able to create a bastion of defence for the people – ECV & Associates. Of course, doing so was not as seamless as it sounds. One of the greatest challenges that faced Enrique was the intricacy of the market – understanding Intellectual Property management and security is a difficult talent to master, and its trade is equally challenging to enter into. However, Enrique wouldn’t allow this to sway his resolve, and he took it upon himself to personally analyse the concerns of various types of clients. He needed to know what struggles they were facing, where they were being underserved, and areas that they appreciated. Once he accumulated this thorough understanding, he altered his approach and fostered a collective that has been specifically designed to fulfil needs and avoid pitfalls. Now, powered by consistency and perseverance in its day to day operations, ECV & Associates manages to gracefully navigate the Intellectual Property management market on behalf of its clients. Able to both relate to clients and understand their needs, Enrique guarantees access to continuous and appropriate protection, specifically tailored to meet their unique requirements. Partnered with a high level of direct communication with each client, ECV & Associates has grown from strength to strength – a key factor in the success it sees today. From its inception, ECV & Associates has been solely focused on strengthening its clients’ defences, and it’s undeniable that it has been successful in achieving this goal time and time again. Though the world of Intellectual Property services has changed over the years, Enrique has ensured that ECV & Associates is aptly equipped to manage any technological advancements or changes to legal standings. No matter how the market may shift, it keeps its clients aware of the status of their protection, and is always seeking new ways to safeguard their assets. It’s for this very reason that Enrique has been identified by Acquisition International – through his determination and outstanding efforts, he has managed to develop an essential service upon which the people of Venezuela can rely, no matter the circumstances. We’re pleased to present ECV & Associates with the title of Leading Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year 2024 – Venezuela, and we hope that its future endeavours encourage a new age of Intellectual Property protection across the region’s budding IP industry. Gladly offering 34 years of experience in the intricate realm of Intellectual Property, Enrique Cheang Vera is a man who sought to enrich the lives of clients across Venezuela. As a region that lacked information on the subject, it became clear that there was a gap in the market – one that would ultimately solve the issue of inadequate protection across a varied clientele. Filling this gap with ECV & Associates, Enrique has drastically enhanced the region’s understanding of how quality Intellectual Property safeguarding should appear. Though by no means a straightforward one, this endeavour is what has earned ECV & Associates the title of Leading Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year 2024 – Venezuela, and we are eager to explore its ongoing impact below. ECV & Associates