26 | Acquisition International, Leading Adviser Awards 2023 6 | Acquisition International, Issue 7 2023 Shaping the Future in the Digital Age or any company or client searching for an international business lawyer in Paris, Liliana Bakayoko deserves to feature at the very top of the list. The bespoke legal firm covers areas such as business law, corporate law, IT law, intellectual property rights, international private law, energy law, tax law, litigation and arbitration, civil law, labour law, and several other aspects of important law intervention services. It supports entrepreneurial enterprises, always fully cognisant of the fact that such businesses are multifaceted and might require assistance with many different elements of the law. Liliana Bakayoko can help with a plethora of areas such as the choice and reorganisation of clients’ professional entities, whether they’re acting as a sole trader or registered company. The firm will be able to help with the protection of intellectual property rights, including trademark and patent registrations, literary, and artistic property. It can also assist with the conclusion and execution of contracts that are directly related to clients’ professional activities. This includes the protection of any digital activities, and the internationalisation of business activities. Liliana Bakayoko is always ready to help resolve disputes in an amicable fashion, and to offer legal representation before the courts and at arbitral tribunals. The firm provides optimal legal services for clients that are efficient and designed to optimize business success. It has a determination to expand beyond borders in the current digital age, and help its clients to seize the opportunities that a full awareness and understanding of the law can truly offer them. It does this by ensuring that it listens carefully to clients’ needs, and then tailoring its legal interventions to suit accordingly. As a firm, Liliana Bakayoko will analyse its clients’ aspirations to help establish the full possibilities for action in the light of legal, economic, social, political and human contexts. “ The law is far from being just a constraint to which we must help our clients adapt. Used wisely, it is also a great creative tool, which can allow companies and individuals to modulate their activity and shape their future.- Liliana Bakayoko ” The Liliana Bakayoko law firm will forge ahead with any appropriate suggestions of strategies and courses of action that will be of assistance to its clientele, both in and out of the court room. It endeavours to always provide appropriate advice and information that helps them to make sensible and informed decisions. The company is committed to defending its clients’ interests before the authorities and the courts, and will do so with energy, perseverance and professionalism. It prides itself on providing services that are perfectly aligned with clients’ needs. Liliana Bakayoko has nearly 20 years of experience as a lawyer, combined with 10 years of experience teaching law in a professional capacity. She is an Attorney at Law at the Paris and Sofia Bars, a Doctor of Law, and a former Professor of Law. When it comes to cross-border transactions, and relations between businesses and government, she is a valuable asset with precious knowledge that can be brought to bear. In addition, Liliana is grounded in cyberlaw, with an excellent understanding of the legalities surrounding information technology. Her knowledge was significantly increased in this department during time spent advising one of the world’s leading information technology companies. Liliana is the exclusive International Business Lawyer who represents France at Global Law Experts (GLE), and the exclusive Corporate Formations Lawyer representing France at IR Global. She is also a Consultant in International Investment, Government Relations, and Business Development for a major U.S. company who provides corporate and government clients with expertled, technology-driven risk management solutions. Furthermore, Liliana has For the best part of the last two decades, Liliana Bakayoko has been a vital cog in the works when it comes to assisting national and international clients with matters of law. She represents a firm that provides highly qualified global support, particularly focused on business law. Liliana has been recognised as Leading International Business Lawyer of the Year – Paris, following which we decided to take a closer look at what her innovative company does. F