M&A Awards 2021

Acquisition International - M&A Awards 2021 11 Best Pre-IPO Equity Investments Specialists 2021 Yorkville Asset Management Inc was founded in 2010 as a joint venture between Hussein Amad and Hailus Financial Group Ltd (formerly Heritage Financial Group Ltd), with unbiased commitment to clients’ success and a strong focus on risk management. Nov21701 orkville Asset Management Inc is a focused independent investment management firm aiming to help high net worth individuals, foundations, institutions, and family offices to achieve their financial goals through its wealth management, estate and tax planning, portfolio management, and capital markets debt and equity advisory services. It is committed to its clients, providing customised, risk-adjusted investment solutions alongside the highest level of client service. Initially starting out in Toronto, the firm has since expanded to Ottawa and London, in addition to having a significant presence in Calgary and Vancouver. From these locations, it offers private wealth solutions to clients with accounts of $1 million or more, and it now has approximately $3 billion in assets under management and administration in assets across a diversified range of securities, products, and asset classes. Yorkville’s clients have intimate access to its portfolio management team, who are accompanied by its leading customer service and sales group, dedicated to ensuring clients receive the dependable, clear and significant guidance they need to make informed investment decisions. It is a firm that understands the dedication, hard work and emotions involved in building and saving wealth, whether for individuals, Y through a corporation, or a foundation. Through this understanding, Yorkville has been able to develop and successfully use risk management strategies to help its clients’ financial health and effectively manage the risk of their portfolios on an ongoing basis by attempting to control the portfolio’s volatility. Yorkville’s investment process is designed with a focus on preserving capital and delivering a consistent positive rate of return. The two proprietary tools developed at Yorkville (the Market Health Compass and the Quality, Valuation and Risk (QVR) screening process) were specifically designed to manage the risk of the portfolio at the construction level and on a go-forward basis. These tools combined with the firm’s core-satellite and risk management investment strategies are what help to add value to its clients’ portfolios. Its unique QVR screening and ranking system emphasises investing in quality companies, trading at attractive valuations and offering the highest potential returns per unit of risk assumed. The “Quality” element looks at Michael Porter’s competitive drivers for selecting quality companies. These include strong rankings in the areas of product innovation, competitive advantage, management strength, market share, and quality of assets and earnings. “Valuation” refers to how expensive a company is in relation to its peers, as well as to its historical averages. This enables Yorkville to determine valid stock entry and exit price levels. “Risk” analyses volatility in terms of historical information, as well as data-driven projections. This allows Yorkville to better match the portfolio risk to the clients’ risk appetite. After its quantitative QVR process takes place, Yorkville’s portfolio managers review the top-ranked companies within each sector, and begin the qualitative research process. Upon completion, the investment committee evaluates and determines their investment decisions that ultimately form the clients’ portfolios. Yorkville is also well aware that lifestyle goals are equally important to maintaining comfort and focus for all its valued clients. With this, the firm’s ultimate priority is the client experience through personalised service, education, networking, and its commitment to delivering exceptional customer service. Company: Yorkville Asset Management Inc Email: [email protected] Website: www.yorkvilleasset.com