Acquisition International - M & A Awards 2022 5 Best U.S. Small & Medium Business Buyer 2022 Trust’s role is to support and help and reinforce in any other area needed, whether legal, accounting, marketing, branding, online presence, or sales team development. It can provide any kind of specialized advice, appreciating that different companies need help in different areas. Founders Trust talks transparently with founders to come up with a solution that supports founders’ timelines and what they want to do. Founders may want to have a longer transition period. Other times, business owners want to be able to keep doing what they love in their own business, minus the heavy admin work that comes with ownership. They want to go back to doing what they used to love in their business. In cases like this, Founders Trust can provide this luxury: to buy their business, and let them continue being part of the organisation – either in a leadership position or not, depending on their preference. On many occasions, previous owners of companies stay with the company in the form of a board member or an advisory role, and they keep their desks at the company, contributing as and when they want to, not in an obligatory manner. Mr. Williamson says, “Founders Trust has very specific criteria for the businesses that we are interested in. We buy small to mediumsized privately-owned companies, with successful management in place, and a strong operating track record. That means profitable companies that have some successful history behind them. We’re not interested in start-ups because start-ups do not have management in place which is already successful, with a history behind them.” Founders Trust’s process is transparent. Once it understands that a company might be the right company for it, a very short pre due diligence will take place. Mr. Williamson explains, “When we reach the point that we have decided to submit an offer, the offer will be transparent, and will be explained in detail. There won’t be unclarified points that are going to be negotiated or defined or thought about later.” He continues, “The owner can ask anything, or their advisors can ask anything they need to, and we explain it. Now, the reason that’s important is because the majority of other potential buyers do not work like that. You receive an offer that is not very well defined. And it definitely doesn’t explain the reasons of why, or how it is calculated. Very, very important.” So, as an expert in M&A, we asked Mr. Williamson what advice he would give to those who are looking to succeed within the industry. He shares, “First is having a very well-defined criteria about the businesses. Second is having the courage to be upfront with the sellers and everyone you work with. Explain to them your criteria, so it’s clear whether it’s a company for you, so you don’t waste your time and they don’t waste their time. Also, let them know how you do the pricing of these companies. What are your parameters? Being up front with that; not being vague about it and then later stumbling into problems.” Company: Founders Trust Contact: Matt Williamson Email: [email protected] Phone: (312) 373-1123 Web Address: