Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 • Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023

2 Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 About the Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 Acquisition International is once again proud to host the exclusive Non-Profit Organisation Awards for its third consecutive installment! The Non-Profit Organisation Awards aims to reward the commitment, innovation, and determination of the best NPOs from across the world! Amongst the current financial climate, NPOs are being pressured to make a shift and adapt to what they want to achieve in their campaigns. Industry analysts foresee the need to think more creatively about their programs, events, fundraising, and operations being more important within the next 12 months. The need to forge and maintain specialised relationships with existing and potential donors is also seeing an increase, with the non-profit organisations that cultivate enhanced relationships being the ones to benefit in the future. Sofi Parry- Senior Editor Contents 4 Bridge To Hope W.O.C: Most Comprehensive Disadvantaged Families Support NPO 2023 - Florida 6 Black Trans Nation LLC: Most Dedicated Black Transgender Activists - New York 8 SICCOGEN: Best Sustainable Energy Solutions Organisation 2023 - France 10 Blueprint for All: Most Inspirational Youth Education Charity 2023 - UK 12 Ketotic Hypoglycemia International: Most Pioneering Hypoglycemia Patient Organization 2023 14 3Food4U: Financial Hardship Charity of the Year 2023 - Essex No information contained on or in this website constitutes investment advice or an offer to invest or to provide management services and is subject to correction, completion and amendment without notice. Neither AI nor any of its associated entities are authorised to give financial advice of any nature nor are they regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Prior to making any investment, AI recommends that any prospective investor should consult with its own investment, accounting, legal and tax advisers to evaluate independently the risks, consequences and suitability of that investment. AI Global Media, Ltd. (AI) takes reasonable measures to ensure the quality of the information on this web site. However, AI will not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of any information that is available through this web site. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. The information available through the website and our partner publications is for your general information and use and is not intended to address any particular finance or investment requirements. In particular, the information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by us or any of our partner publications and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making or refraining from making any investment or financial decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision. Any arrangement made between you and any third party named in the site is at your sole risk and responsibility. 15 Magic Moments for Autistic Kids: Best Memorable Experience Providing Charity for Autistic Children 2023 - Lincolnshire 16 Kafel Aid: Most Empowering International Refugee Training Organisation 2023 - UK 17 65 Max Corporation: Most Inspirational Social Growth & Community Wellbeing Organization 2023 - Western USA 18 Katy Cares, Inc: Best Single-Parent Family Support Organisation 2023 - Katy 19 JB Dondolo: Most Innovative Water Systems Provider 2023 - Southern Africa & AI Social Impact Award 2023 20 CelticFest Vancouver: Most Entertaining European Cultural Heritage Event 2023 - British Columbia Editors Sofi Parry- Senior Editor Rebecca Scotland- Editor Designers Daniela Levinte- Graphic Designer Lauren Baldwin- Graphic Designer Writers Alejandra Garcia- Writer Izzy Mifsud- Writer Emily Godbold- Writer Michelle Strozykowski- Writer

Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 3 10 21 UK SMART Recovery: Addiction Recovery Training Charity of the Year 2023 - UK 22 Jimmy LaRose: Most Inspiring Fundraiser & Entrepreneur 2023: Jimmy LaRose 23 Brilliant Detroit: Family-Focused Education Support Organization of the Year 2023 - Michigan 24 Mind in Tower Hamlets, Newham and Redbridge: Most Supportive Mental Health & Wellbeing Charity Branch 2023 - North East London 25 The Tiger Center: Social Enterprise Innovator of the Year 2023 - India 26 Young and Free: Most Empowering Young PWD Support Organization 2023 - South West England 27 Rock-Paper-Scissors Children’s Fund: Most Empowering Low Income Community Support Charity 2023 - Vietnam 28 Cops Minds: Best Police Wellbeing Support Organisation 2023 - UK 29 Helping Parents Heal: Most Nurturing Bereaved Parents Support NPO 2023 - USA 30 Hand in Hand for Aid and Development: Most Dedicated Syria-Focused Humanitarian Aid NPO 2023 - UK 31 Aortic Dissection Awareness UK & Ireland: Best Specialist Patient Support Charity 2023 - UK 32 The Bambisanani Partnership: Best Sport & Physical Education Charity 2023 - UK 19

4 Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 Apr23622 Most Comprehensive Disadvantaged Families Support NPO 2023 - Florida Hunger and poverty have always existed. No matter the country, nor the individuals that inhabit it, there are always those who aren’t able to access the basic necessities to live comfortably. Nobody is more aware of this than Vanessa Tinsley, founder of Bridge to Hope. We look into how Vanessa has utilised her personal struggles in order to open up an avenue to help others, and how Bridge to Hope manages to assist disadvantaged people throughout Florida. Since its inception in 1988, Bridge to Hope, formerly known as Not by Bread Alone, has continuously developed itself in order to provide effective and accessible services to people in need. Originally the purpose was to supply personal hygiene products to food stamp recipients but gradually became the one of Florida’s most comprehensive service providers impacting over 100,000 people a year with health screenings, fresh focused food pantries, disaster relief, home essentials, and digital equity and literacy programs. This evolution was a result of Bridge to Hope recognizing the true impact of poverty on health and wellbeing and the challenges that exist for those trying to improve their situation. This epiphany acted as a catalyst for change for Bridge to Hope, and its expansion stands as a testament to the willingness and desire it holds towards offering support to any who are seek to improve their situation. Bridge to Hope wholly believes in the notion that helping those who are experiencing difficult times will directly contribute towards improving quality of life, whilst strengthening the surrounding communities, and this ethos is conveyed through their every action. With over 35 years of experience working alongside the community, Bridge to Hope has mastered the art of providing reliable access to food and assistance programs for diverse individuals. In addition, it has garnered huge amounts of support towards its programs through corporate partners, civic organizations, and foundations and is able to offer a volunteer force of more than 400 individuals as a result. Bridge to Hope has equipped itself with all of the necessary tools to accomplish its overarching mission: to offer comprehensive wraparound supports designed to create food security and improve health and economic outcomes for low-income and in-crisis individuals. Though it delivers a wide variety of services to disadvantaged families and individuals, Bridge to Hope gave us a keen insight into three of its core areas of expertise. One such opportunity that the organization presents to low/moderate income households is its Fresh FARMacy Pantry. Targeted towards improving food security for struggling individuals, the pantry practices the 4 pillars of food security - food availability, access, utilisation, and stability - all to lend a helping hand and create lasting impact. It differs from traditional pantries with its focus on fresh produce, meat and dairy, and variety of organic offerings. And, with an inclusive range of various food options, Bridge to Hope is able to incorporate stable alternatives for a vast array of diets. In addition to the expansive options that it offers through its pantry, Bridge to Hope also provides vital resources in the form of health and hygiene products, health screenings, and digital literacy programmes. It seeks to uplift its clients on their journeys towards improved economic stability, and focuses on key elements that will positively influence the trajectory of an individual’s life. And, thanks to Bridge to Hope’s neighborhood hubs, local service center, and home delivery service, struggling families are granted an ease of access that sets this organization apart from others within Florida. Despite specialising in preparing a wide variety food options for every imaginable individual, another program that Bridge to Hope has carefully designed is its Anti-Prison Pipeline. Following the realisation that the rate at which youth are moved from the juvenile justice system to adult incarceration was unnaturally high, Bridge to Hope set out to combat policies that perpetuate this cycle. This is accomplished through its Anti-Prison Pipeline – a way to encourage social change through tech education and life skills for under-served and under-resourced youth who’re at risk of falling into, or are currently in, the juvenile justice system and provide them with a career path that lifts them out of systems that perpetuate incarceration, poverty, and food insecurity. By acquainting younger people with personal development tools and opportunities to excel in useful and beneficial skillsets, Bridge to Hope promotes preparation for success in a variety of different fields. As a result, it’s reducing both the likelihood of criminal activities within high-risk communities, whilst decreasing recidivism for incarcerated youth by paving a pathway towards employment and self-sufficiency. With the current growth in the technology sector, Bridge to Hope is ensuring that these young people are ready rather than left behind. Additionally Bridge to Hope operates – Project e-QUALity: Empowering Digital Inclusion and Literacy. The team rapidly began to recognise how essential it was becoming for people from all walks of life to become adept in the art of utilizing technology in both casual and work settings. Especially in the USA, where the majority of processes are accomplished online, there’s never been a better time to acquaint disadvantaged individuals with this rising platform for work, connectivity, education, and daily tasks. Bridge to Hope works to bridge the gap between low-income households and the boom of technology, and it has avidly devoted itself towards educating individuals on how to use current technology

Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 5 and assists clients in receiving free or reduced cost internet, smart phones, and tablets so that these households can participate in all that technology has to offer. As a truly selfless organization born from the strife that Vanessa experienced in the past, Bridge to Hope, a beacon of light in time of trouble, is committed to an unending journey of transformation, constantly innovating and unveiling novel methods to aid individuals grappling with life’s most difficult challenges. Vanessa, with her raw and relatable comprehension of hardship, pours her heart into the organization, making it a profoundly effective bastion of hope. She firmly believes that every struggle faced today can become a stepping stone towards a better tomorrow, a tomorrow that everyone has the undeniable right to experience. Bridge to Hope is not just an organization, it’s a relentless pursuit to ensure that everyone can has the opportunity to build a brighter future. Contact: Vanessa Tinsley Company: Bridge to Hope W.O.C. Web Address:

6 Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 Apr23630 Most Dedicated Black Transgender Activists - New York New York City has frequently served as the birthplace of progression and change, and its impact on the LGBTQIA movement is no exception. Spearheaded by Marsha “Pay It No Mind” Johnson, the crucial representation of black trans individuals has flourished over the decades. Continuing her legacy is Black Trans Nation LLC, an organisation determined to protect and uplift transgender individuals throughout the US. We take a look into how it empowers black LGBTQIA people, and how it gives them the chance to finally be heard. Though the transgender movement has come leaps and bounds in the past few decades, there are still prominent issues throughout the world that directly leave transgender and gender-nonconforming people at risk. Be it due to frequent verbal discrimination or repetitive violent acts, an unjust amount of transgender individuals fear for their lives on a daily basis. When this is partnered with the all-too-common racism present in various societies, it’s easy to see that there’s never been more of a need for organisations to stand up against these hateful instances. As an organisation dedicated to empowering the black transgender and gender non-conforming community, Black Trans Nation focuses on paving the way towards resource, employment, political advocacy, and education accessibility. Its mission is rooted in an unrelenting devotion towards providing safety and resources through alliancebuilding, leadership development, education, and advocacy. In terms of its work’s main focus, Black Trans Nation centres itself around addressing gender-based violence, creating educational trainings by black trans people, increasing knowledge of, and access to, employment, and much more. It anchors itself in establishing a connected community that engages with black trans people from all walks of life, and its youth-led approach breathes a fresh air into the process of uniting black transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Black Trans Nation excels in recognising areas that would strongly benefit from a cohesive unity, and has identified a multitude of urgent needs that face the black transgender community. The team behind the organisation seeks to advocate for meaningful change, whilst promoting a sense of safety and freedom among the people it assists. It carefully focuses on encouraging collective healing, resulting in enhanced power within the community that seeks to affirm racial and gender justice. Additionally, Black Trans Nation holds an incredibly understanding mindset when it comes to the education of community issues, and has developed its Unapologetic Trans Power Educational Curriculum as a result. This digital course has been uniquely crafted by Black Trans Nation to help educate people from all walks of life in the issues facing the transgender community. From information on gender affirming admissions, rights of transgender people, and acceptance of the transgender community, the course draws from history and previous experiences to provide comprehensive and empowering learning experiences for all users. This, in turn, allows all kinds of individuals to engage in activities, readings, and multimedia in order to equip themselves with the necessary tools needed to understand, accept, and advocate for change. Black Trans Nation actively wants to teach people how to best recognise the issues that its community faces, and does so through digitised methods that are effective and accessible to anyone wanting to learn. However, none of this would’ve been possible without the brilliant team behind this selfless organisation. With an incredible internal culture that’s integral to Black Trans Nation’s success in the NPO sphere, it’s been able to forge a space for everyone and anyone to be heard. It fosters an environment that it truly believes in, and it’s this meaningful and trusting companionship between each member of the team that has led it towards making a lasting impact on its community. Black Trans Nation leads by example, and keeps its collaborative approach at the forefront of its projects no matter what. Despite the frequent issues that the transgender community faces on a regular basis, particularly in terms of legal and medical accessibility, Black Trans Nation has remained steadfast and unapologetically resilient. It sees black trans people for who they are, and uplifts their tireless work in each aspect of their lives, particularly in spaces such as Trans Circles. As advocacy groups that’re led exclusively by black trans people, Trans Circles provide connections and relationships that’re both safe and affirming, and Black Trans Nation is consistently monitoring the positive impact that these collectives are having on the wider community. Black Trans Nation is an organisation that is desperately needed in recent times. Trans people are people, and their rights aren’t up for debate, and yet there are difficulties facing this vulnerable community across the globe even in the current day. Thankfully, Black Trans Nation is at the forefront of alleviating the barriers between transgender and cisgender people through collaboration and education, and it’s this undeniable journey towards liberation that makes it unbelievably essential. Black trans people everywhere are given the chance to thrive, and it wouldn’t be possible without the help of Black Trans Nation. Contact Details Contact: Ts Candii Company: Black Trans Nation LLC Web Address:

Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 7

8 Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 Mar23516 Best Sustainable Energy Solutions Organisation 2023 - France The future is at the hands of what we decide to do next. Renewable energy is an industry that is growing but there is a need of more trained professionals to be able to really shift into incorporating new energy across the globe. SICCOGEN offers professional training to companies, professionals, and students in new energy careers. Here we find out more about what it does and the opportunities that it offers its clients. Sustainable energy can help us transform our approach to everyday life in a way that is not as harmful to the planet that we live in. SICCOGEN is made up of two entities that are dedicated to bringing forward energy alternatives. It does this through an academic organisation that shares such knowledge and a company that helps businesses utilise it. Adapting to the changes that global warming is imposing on us is the only way forward. To do this there must be professionals trained in incorporating new energy into companies and maintaining the systems that are installed. That is where SICCOGEN comes in as it leads The French Academic Organisation (NPO). Its purpose is to provide the current and future generations, from Europe to Africa, with the knowledge needed to introduce new careers in relation to sustainable and low carbon energy. It provides training on energy projects, hydrogen projects engineering and installation, biomass projects engineering, and wind energy installation maintenance. The company’s side of SICCOGEN provides engineering, construction, management of projects in new energies, industry decarbonation, green transport, agriculture, energy production, and management. Some of the new energy it works with are solar energy, biomass, wind energy, energy storage, green gas methane, and hydrogen. The purpose of these services are to deliver the best sustainable solutions to its customers – it includes low carbon solutions and good technology solutions at profitable cost. SICCOGEN gathers data for research from development projects, which allows it to gain knowledge to best tackle the emissions of the companies it works with. Additionally, it also enables it to gather valuable information that NPO can use when educating others on the industry and its benefits. It looks closely at issues related to energy storage, intelligent management of consumption, decentralised production, and optimisation of energy systems. On top of that, it also goes through the environmental assessment and looks at the regulations related to the subject of the project. When working on an energy project, SICCOGEN follows a set of stages to ensure the introduction of new energy is precise. In the first month, it begins by identifying the resources, analysing the constraints, and looking at the needs of its clients. Within the second month it looks at calculations of sizing, technical- economical approaches, environmental regulations, and takes tests to integrate the data into the study. In the three-to-six-month stage, it is when it focuses on detailed technical and financial aspects, which are discussed with the investors. Then in the two-to-three-year gap it is when reception of equipment and installation, and monitoring of works takes place, together with commissioning of the installation. Lastly, once it’s been installed for a minimum of 20 years, SICCOGEN comes in and monitors the operation, and the maintenance takes place as well as performance checks. SICCOGEN’s team is made up of individuals with different skill sets that when combined are able to help clients with their energy projects efficiently. Teamwork is crucial and they do it seamlessly because they are passionate about what they do. The skill sets that they have in order to meet their customer’s needs include consulting on their expectations, having knowledge of local markets, environmental goals and regulations application, management of tender’s processes, and leading clients in their transition towards implementing new energy. When its Founder, Khadidiatou Camara, looks for new talent she focuses on the following qualities – passion, adaptability, and good communication skills to build the culture of environment and sustainability. Building a team of like-minded individuals is key to drive forward the adequate change that companies seek when looking to incorporate new energy and technology into their work. It is important to highlight the advantages of these new emerging careers because they are the future. Renewable energy has great benefits to the health of the plane and the public, it is energy that won’t run out, so it is reliable, offers stable energy prices, and provides jobs that are becoming crucial in today’s society. As a non-profit organisation there are challenges in relation to covering cost that SICCOGEN continues to overcome, so The French Academic Organisation can continue to educate and spread the word about the industry. Regardless this has not got in the way of SICCOGEN commitment to making this knowledge available across the world. It is devoted to educating and providing new energy solutions so future generations can exist and thrive on Earth. Its commitment to doing so has led SICCOGEN to receive the title of Best Sustainable Energy Solutions Organisation 2023 – France. Spreading the word and being an example of what new energy can do for our society is a key part of what Khadidiatou does. This is why she has organised a Salon about the interconnected sustainable town that will take place in Paris. It will include conferences, exhibitors, business, and investment private space which will take place the 6th and 7th of July 2023. The sustainable sectors that it will focus on are industry, eco-building, digital, new energies, agriculture, and training. Business owners, companies, investors, town representatives from every continent will be attending and all interested are welcome to come along. We are delighted to see SICCOGEN driving the change that we will all benefit from someday, and we look forward to seeing how the industry develops and grows.

Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 9 Best Sustainable Energy Solutions Organisation 2023 - France Contact: Khadidiatou Camara Company: SICCOGEN Web Address:

10 Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 Mar23582 Most Inspirational Youth Education Charity 2023 - UK In 1998, Blueprint for All was founded with the aim of creating an inclusive society, where all young people are provided with the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or background. Today, the charity works with young people and organisations to directly address the challenges that hold individuals back, striving to give them the best chance to succeed. In the modern day, many young people are at a disadvantage from the very start, simply because of their background. For example, unemployment is higher in ethnic minorities than in white people. In 2019, 8% of people from an ethnic heritage were unemployed, while at the same time only 4% of people from a white heritage were unemployed. Furthermore, those from a diverse ethnic heritage are 10% more likely to be working a second job and 4% less likely to have a permanent contract. On top of this, career progression is not equal; 20% of employees with a diverse ethnic heritage believe discrimination plays a part in a lack of career progression. Blueprint for All believes that race, ethnicity, and background should not limit what people are able to achieve in their life. Instead, it believes that all young people should receive the education, training, and support they need to reach their full potential. The charity works to increase the numbers of under-represented young people in various industries, strengthen and empower community groups, influence societal change and social policy, establish national reach for its programmes, and develop sustainable relationships with sponsors and partners. Striving to inspire and enable young people from disadvantaged and underrepresented backgrounds to pursue their dream careers, Blueprint for All works with schools, universities, community groups, and employers, delivering 16 high impact programmes. Through this, the charity aids people between the ages of 13 and 30 by providing career advice and helping them gain necessary skills and qualifications. Education is crucial to lessening gaps in achievement and employment. According to the Social Mobility Foundation, people from disadvantaged backgrounds made up only 5% of students at the UK’s most selective universities in 2019. Regional differences demonstrate that this gap is more prominent outside of larger cities; up to 50% of disadvantaged students who live in London can expect to make it to the UK’s top universities, compared to only 10% in Barnsley, which is a market town in South Yorkshire. Schools across London, Birmingham, and Manchester can sign their students up to take part in Blueprint for All’s free programmes. These are designed to help students from primary schools, secondary schools, and sixth forms learn about the pathways to different careers, understand the link between education and employment, and build employability, CV, and interview skills. The charity also provides bursaries to young people who would otherwise struggle to proceed to higher education, enabling them to pursue their career goals. Beyond education, Blueprint for All strives to reduce inequalities in the workplace to support the early careers of young people. To do this, the charity partners with corporations, from SMEs to multinationals, seeking to make impactful change in the levels of diversity and inclusion across various industries. In the last 3 years, the number of people from ethnic minority backgrounds in FTSE100 management roles has dropped to under 1%. Through its Building Inclusive Futures Consultancy, Blueprint for All has advised and guided over 250 FTSE organisations, aiming to achieve systemic change and influence policymakers at the highest level. Furthermore, the charity has recently launched a new digital platform, My Blueprint for All, which equips young people with an exciting range of resources, events, and work opportunities with its partner businesses. In 2023, it aims to engage with 2000 young people via My Blueprint for All, with the intention of increasing this number by 20% year on year. The Covid-19 pandemic’s differentiated effect on the UK population, as well as the death of George Floyd and the subsequent BLM protests, have resulted in huge transformation for Blueprint for All. In 2020, it was approached by more than 400 corporations who were inspired to make impactful change. As a result, over the last few years, Blueprint for All has experienced exponential growth, with its team increasing from 8 to 36 since 2020. This has broadened its capacity to engage with community members and leaders to create essential resources and deliver important workshops. In the last year, the charity has been able to support over 3000 young people. Furthermore, it now has 47 multi-year partnerships and is the charity of choice for 30 organisations. Blueprint for All has received a plethora of positive feedback from people who have taken part in its programmes. Its Building Futures Programme has resulted in a 50% increase in knowledge and understanding of architecture apprenticeships. Its Enterprise and Innovation Programme made 94% of participants feel more inspired. They also reported an increase in understanding of how to succeed when pursuing entrepreneurial pathways. Furthermore, 78% of those who took part in one of Blueprint for All’s workshops felt that their employability skills had improved. As a result of its Students at Risk Programme, 65% of students felt more inspired and confident about their professional development and pursuing

Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 11 creative and entrepreneurial careers. Its Pathways to Professions Programme enabled 60% of students to feel more motivated, confident, and inspired to pursue their career of choice. As a result of the incredible programmes it delivers and the work it does to increase diversity in the workplace, Blueprint for All has been awarded Most Inspirational Youth Education Charity in the Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023. In the coming years, the charity plans to increase its engagement with young people by embedding each of its programmes throughout both England and Wales. We congratulate Blueprint for All on its success in winning this award and look forward to seeing how it continues to ensure sustainable change and influence policy and practice. Company: Blueprint for All Web Address:

12 Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 May23288 Most Pioneering Hypoglycemia Patient Organization 2023 Founded in 2020, Ketotic Hypoglycemia International (KHI) is a worldwide organization for families affected by Idiopathic Ketotic Hypoglycemia, aiming to enhance understanding of the disorder for the benefit of the children, parents, and families affected by it. Here, we take a look at the work the organization has done and how it continues to help families across the world. Hypoglycemia occurs when the glycogen stores are depleted, the body will switch to burn fat deposits. The fat burn lead to two fuels for the brain, both glucose and ketone bodies. However, ketones in the blood will lead to nausea and eventually vomiting. This will lead to a vicious circle, where you cannot eat or drink sugar-rich items, which again leads to further fat burn and production of ketone bodies. n a KH-patient, the glycogen stores are somehow insufficient. This leads to decreased fasting tolerance with earlier onset of fat burn and hence ketone bodies. In most patients, the hypoglycemia is relatively mild, and the ketone bodies helps to provide fuel to the brain, which prevents loss of consciousness and convulsions. However, in relatively few patients, the condition is more severe, but still without an identified cause despite intense investigations in hormones and cell metabolism. Such patients are said having “idiopathic” KH, or IKH, which simply means KH without any known cause. When Danielle Drachmann and her children were diagnosed with pathological idiopathic ketotic hypoglycemia, she was inspired to found Ketotic Hypoglycemia International (KHI) to raise awareness about the condition and support families who were in a similar position. Danielle was support by Dr Henrik T, Christesen and Dr Jacob Sten Petersen in founding and running KHI and navigating the new medical advocacy world she found herself in. Dr Jacob Sten Petersen continues to be a supporter of the work of KHI and is currently the chairman of the board. Danielle had no background knowledge of ketotic hypoglycemia and no previous experience in the medical field, which meant that she had to learn a whole new language of medical terminology and formalities. This was a huge challenge for her, which she faced alongside raising her children, but she was determined to accomplish it. Danielle has now co-authored research papers, won patient advocacy awards, and worked hard to grow KHI into what it is today. Now, the organization serves 1900 families globally through its patient support group, social media, and website, offering them advocacy, support, guidance, and a place to share their experiences. KHI is currently headed by acting CEO Becky Futers, who is supported by a dedicated team of parents who have children with ketotic hypoglycemia: Tiffany Palms, Sara Wilson, Austin Carrigg, Yvette Ollada Lavery and Nicole Bøttger Jensen. The team works alongside leading experts in complex hypoglycemia across the globe, including Dr. Paul Thornton, Dr. David Weinstein, Dr. Partik Shah, Dr. Joseph Wolfsdorf, Dr. Terry Derks, and Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Patti. By uniting medical experts with affected families, KHI brings the latest research directly to those who need it. Annually, KHI hosts a conference for families and healthcare professionals, where the latest research, patient stories, and understanding of living with ketotic hypoglycemia are presented. The organization is fortunate to have been supported by various sponsors, who have assisted greatly in realizing its mission and yearly conferences. KHI is incredibly grateful for the hard work and dedication of its volunteers, which include both parents and medical professionals. Its team of staff consists entirely of parents with children who have ketotic hypoglycemia. On top of tackling regular parenting responsibilities, they also navigate the rare disease world, not only for themselves but also for the other children and families who are striving to make a difference. Often, they participate in meetings from the hospital bedside, between medical appointments, or on the side of their full working day. Additionally, KHI’s medical expert volunteers generously offer their free time where they can. In order to continue to support its families and improve the assistance it provides, the organization is hoping to grow enough to allow for at least one full-time member of staff in the future. When KHI recruits new volunteers, it seeks individuals who share its values and are committed to the rare disease community. The organization is proud to be run for patients and their families by patients and their families, which sets it apart from other organizations. No one knows the difficulties and battles of living with ketotic hypoglycemia better than those who face them every day. The organization is looking forward to carrying out more focused fundraising to support its families. Fundraising brought into KHI goes directly to the costs of its annual conference, support its families and research projects. Currently the staff team is working towards its first organised get moving challenge which will be launched later this year. Earlier this year, KHI ran its first annual ketotic hypoglycemia awareness day on 18th of February. It was a huge success; both its families and volunteers thoroughly enjoyed it. The KHI mascots were out in full force, helping to spread the word of ketotic hypoglycemia and bring fun to younger members.

Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 13 In the coming year, KHI is planning its upcoming annual conference, which is scheduled for 1st to 3rd September 2023. For the first time, the conference will be a hybrid event, featuring the usual online content as well as a live audience in Copenhagen on 2nd September 2023. The event is free, but attendees are invited to voluntarily donate in order to support the organization’s vital research. A link to sign up and obtain a ticket can be found on its website. The KHI team is working closely with medical professionals as they continue to carry out these important research projects. The organization provides regular updates and the latest information across all of its platforms. With its Emerging Researchers Board, KHI hopes to continue to support these projects and broaden its scope of work. In the future, the organization also hopes to bring a specific scientific community portal to its families, providing them with more dedicated access to the resources and support that they would usually access on the KHI website. As a result of the amazing work, Ketotic Hypoglycemia International (KHI) has been awarded Most Pioneering Hypoglycemia Patient Organization in the Non-Profit Organization Awards 2023. With big plans for the future, there is no doubt that KHI will continue to help patients and families living with ketotic hypoglycemia by raising awareness of the disorder and providing them with resources, information, and support. Contact: Becky Futers and Danielle Drachmann at info@ Company: Ketotic Hypoglycemia International Web Address:

14 Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 Financial Hardship Charity of the Year 2023 - Essex t the beginning of the first lockdown in 2020, 3Food4U was founded by Pesh Kapasiawala, who was inspired to make the mountains of industry surplus food and products available to vulnerable people in need. Rather than labelling itself a “food bank,” 3Food4U instead calls itself a community surplus hub, since many of the items it provides would otherwise be thrown away. Through this, it not only supports people and families in need, but also saves tonnes of food, clothing, and household essentials from being sent to landfill by large businesses and members of the public. Using traditional support systems can feel embarrassing and undignified for individuals in need, especially if they have always been self-sufficient until they fell on hard times. To use a 3Food4U hub, there is no need for stressful assessment or referral processes, instead those in need are welcomed with no questions asked. The charity prides itself on the culture of acceptance and friendliness amongst its hub volunteers, who make people who visit feel welcomed and not judged. Individuals can also access free job search assistance through the charity, which may help them reach the other side of their difficult situation. Additionally, 3Food4U is dedicated to supporting the mental health of the public, providing them with free counselling, free NHS health checks, and signposting to other available services. As well as this, the charity offers the opportunity for individuals to volunteer with its friendly team. One in four adults feel lonely, whether it’s occasionally or all of the time. The longer we feel lonely, the more likely it is that we will experience mental health problems. Volunteering can provide a sense of belonging and purpose, as well as the opportunity to make friends and connect with the community. This can reduce isolation and loneliness. A May23387 Earlier this year, Pesh Kapasiawala, Founder of 3Food4U, was one of 29 people in the country to be honoured with a British Citizen Award (BCA) at the Palace of Westminster on 26th January. The BCA was established to recognise exceptional individuals who work tirelessly and selflessly to make a positive impact on their community and society. Pesh was awarded a BCA for his outstanding services to the community, having volunteered for over 15 years, working with local schools, frontline agencies, churches, local authorities, and community groups. He has worked hard to build long-term sustainable solutions to the issues that affect vulnerable people in the community. The award also recognises the hard work he has put into creating 3Food4U, which is now one of the largest emergency food agencies in Essex and North London, supporting over 1500 families (equating to over 4000 individuals), seven days a week 365 days a year. They never close. As a result of the incredible work it does, 3Food4U has been awarded Financial Hardship Charity of the Year, Essex, in the NonProfit Organisation Awards 2023. The charity is constantly thinking of new ways in which it can help people in need, for example it provides access to school supplies at the end of August and runs dementia-friendly socials every month. We congratulate the charity on its success in the Non-Profit Organisation Awards and look forward to seeing how it continues to help vulnerable people in the years to come. Contact: Pesh Kapasiawala at [email protected] Charity: 3Food4U Web Address: Based in Essex, 3Food4U is a community charity run entirely by volunteers, striving to provide a holistic approach to community welfare by providing basic groceries & household essentials, and a range of frontline agency services including for mental health and physical wellbeing, food education classes, job search, numeracy training, dementia/social cafes, and debt relief support to those in need. While many traditional support systems require proof, assessment, or referral, 3Food4U believes that such processes cause unnecessary delays and stress. Instead, the charity offers support to anyone who is brave enough to ask, treating them with dignity and respect.

Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 15 Every now and then, people need a bit of extra support to make their lives that little bit easier. This is a factor that applies to just about anyone, but it’s especially felt by people whose lives are impacted daily by autism. Thankfully, Magic Moments for Autistic Kids is here to offer respite and safe spaces to people with autism, as well as their parents, siblings, and carers, throughout the entirety North Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire. May23259 n 2002, Magic Moments for Autistic Kids was founded by Patricia Ebbs following her realisation that there was a severe lack of local funding and support for those affected by autism. She recognised that the area was in dire need of change in this respect, and went on to cultivate the now widely recognised Magic Moments for Autistic Kids. As a charity that’s dedicated towards raising money to fund holidays, short breaks, day trips, and recreational activities for autistic children and their families, it’s already managed to have an undeniably positive impact on the lives of those that it set out to support. Magic Moments for Autistic Kids is aware that autism affects more than just the individual diagnosed with it, and seeks to provide opportunities for siblings of autistic children to appreciate some time to themselves. In the meantime, those with autism are given a wide array of activities to enjoy, with extensive research carried out by the team in order to develop areas that are carefully designed to meet the needs of autistic individuals. As a result, Magic Moments for Autistic Kids’ Scunthorpe-based home centre is equipped with a sensory room, a library, a computer area, and a craft area, all to guarantee an enjoyable experience for any autistic individual. Though its home base of operations is a truly wonderous facility available for any who have a need for it, Magic Moments for Autistic Kids thrives through its ability to fund a multitude of activities and holidays that’re sure to create lifelong memories. This is accomplished through the immense community support that it has received over the 21 years since its inception, and it’s all thanks to a combination of local backing and a highly passionate team that these autism-friendly opportunities are available to a variety of individuals. Magic Moments for Autistic Kids is a truly inspiring charity with a brilliant ethos behind it, and it’s astounding to see what it’s been able to accomplish throughout the years. The needs of autistic individuals are often overlooked throughout the majority of day-today activities, so it’s refreshing to witness a charity that completely aimed towards creating unforgettable moments that’re wholly designed with autism in mind. Despite the recent struggles posed by the cost-of-living crisis, and our country’s emergence from the COVID-19 Pandemic, Magic Moments for Autistic Kids has never faltered in its journey towards I Best Memorable Experience Providing Charity for Autistic Children 2023 - Lincolnshire giving autism the recognition it deserves. It seeks to normalise the needs of those diagnosed with autism, and has successfully garnered a fantastic reputation through its unwavering care and dedication. As a result, it has received the constant support of its community, and its efforts have earned it the prestigious Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in 2009. Additionally, though Magic Moments for Autistic Kids is already constantly pushing the boundaries of what a charity is able to accomplish with a dedicated community backing it, it’s still looking towards expanding its facilities in order to offer even more opportunities for any affected by autism. Providing safe spaces and offering lifechanging opportunities is what Magic Moments for Autistic Kids excels in, and it’s this admirable care for an often-overlooked group of individuals that makes it something truly special. We’re incredibly proud to present Magic Moments for Autistic Kids with this award, and we want to extend the team’s thanks to the community for supporting them throughout the past 21 years. We can’t wait to see how this charitable collective continues to raise awareness of autism, and we look forward to seeing where its endeavours proceed to take it in the near future. Contact: Patricia Ebbs Company: Magic Moments for Autistic Kids Web Address:

16 Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 May23179 Most Empowering International Refugee Training Organisation 2023 - UK British humanitarian organisation Kafel Aid operates in Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan, Djibouti, and the UK. It has a primary focus on East Sudan, supporting Eritrean refugees worldwide. It aims to transform communities’ sustainability through offering academic and vocational training to young refugees, supporting them to become future professionals. afel Aid is passionate about empowering refugees to break the poverty cycle and live the life they deserve. Its vocational training projects specialise in helping young refugees regain control of their lives and become successful. It strongly feels that education has the power to end poverty, and so it supports young refugees in accessing resources that foster economic growth and financial independence. It strives to empower the young refugees, and to help them to give back to the hosting community. The mission of Kafel Aid is to ensure that poverty is eradicated from the lives of the most vulnerable people, while at the same time empowering them to create their own destinations. It is a mission that resonates with the whole team, as well as its donors, because K it speaks to the importance of providing the essential skills leading to transformational experiences. The main obstacles Kafel Aid faces in achieving its mission are limited resources and a lack of awareness. As far as limited resources go, the organisation is a nonprofit with limited resources, making it difficult to achieve its mission. It overcomes this obstacle by seeking out grants and donations, as well as looking for ways to be more efficient with its existing resources. As for lack of awareness, the company knows that many people are unaware of it, and its services, which makes it difficult for Kafel Aid to reach its target audience. It overcomes this obstacle by engaging in outreach activities such as attending community events, hosting educational seminars, and utilising social media to spread the word about its mission. Kafel Aid’s commitment to providing vocational training to refugees is something that sets it apart from other non-profit organisations working in the same field. It encourages its beneficiaries to become self-reliant, and provide services to the host countries. It also strives to provide a safe and supportive environment for dislocated people, enabling them to grow and develop. In addition, it aims to provide refugees with all the resources and support they need to achieve their goals. Maher is an Arabic word meaning skilful, talented, or expert. Aptly, it is also the name of a vocational training programme run by Kafel Aid. One which has provided many young refugees with the skills they need to work in industries such as automotive, metalworking, electrical, construction, healthcare, renewable energy, animal care, and woodworking. This programme has contributed towards developing local infrastructure, and has helped promote social integration between refugees and their host countries. Kafel Aid’s greatest achievements have been the successful implementation of its programmes and services, helping hundreds of people in the countries where it operates. It has provided education, employment, and health services to those in dire need. It has also created a positive impact on the lives of many, simply through providing access to resources, support, and guidance. Ultimately, the strong relationships it has built with its partners and stakeholders has enabled it to expand its reach, and its impact. The truly remarkable Kafel Aid has been awarded the title of Most Empowering International Refugee Training Organisation 2023 – UK. A well-deserved honour for an extraordinary non-profit organisation. Company: Kafel Aid Web Address: Contact Name: Abdulhakim Saleh

Acquisition International - Non-Profit Organisation Awards 2023 17 5 Max Foundation is a nonprofit, publicly supported organisation designed to improve community well-being. It gratefully receives funds from donors, then distributes them back into the community by providing grants. Its aim is to help young people live a better quality of life. The 65 Max Foundation functions via a classroom-like system, whereby it teaches students skills and know-how in online retail. To do this it utilises its hands on websites,, and It examines customer service guidelines, and the professional aspects of being a team player. Materials provided include sample tests, and quizzes accessed on its learning website, available through the online e-learning program. These materials will help the students master their passion, and will ultimately result in receiving 2 online certificates upon successful completion of the course. This in turn, allows the further opportunity of applying for jobs within the foundation, or through listed vendors who offer job opportunities. 65 Max Foundation have less of what might be traditionally termed a mission statement, and more of an internal focus and passion resonating from within. This is to help create a quality of life through social growth, inspiring shining jewels within the youth demographic to become accomplished leaders. It does this through establishing partnerships with corporations, donors, sponsors, volunteers, and communities both local and abroad. The main obstacles 65 Max Foundation faces in regard to achieving its assignments, and moving forwards, is taking collection of the donations it’s been awarded since 2015. The company has been working diligently since 2012 to connect locally with the community, and also to connect with other organisations globally. It has put foundations down to ensure awareness of its passion is brought to the forefront. In particular, it seeks to help girls from 12 – 24 years old, knowing that they are especially deserving and in need of reassurance. 65 Max wants them to know their voices’ matter, and that they do not have to put their integrity on the line to be able to dance amongst the stars. The company CEO Pamela Henderson is an award-winning author of a book (A Journey of a Sapphire) about a girl who had to overcome adversity/uncertainty on her journey towards success. She hopes to inspire others who have, or who are going through such obstacles in life to never give up on their dreams. She is also keen to alert others about how to recognise behavioural problems. She thinks that all too often these are the cause of broken communication, and lead to the peer pressures society has inflicted on its girls. Pamela hopes her story will enlighten girls who are themselves victims, leading them to becoming victorious in their lives. 6 As a girl, Pamela herself suffered injustice on her journey towards success. She felt shunned, ostracized, and bamboozled, losing her voice when forced into 8 years of financial hardship. Presently, she is in a position to help, with 65 Max Foundation there to build confidence and esteem in young people who might be going through something similar. And now, as winner of Most Inspirational Social Growth & Community Wellbeing Organization 2023 - Western USA, 65 Max Foundation is really going from strength to strength. Well done to this fantastic company who are providing opportunities and opening doors for the people who need it the most. 65 Max Foundation is a nonprofit, publicly supported organisation designed to improve community well-being. It accepts funds from donors, and makes distributions back into the community by providing grants designed to improve opportunities for young people. Headed up by an inspirational CEO Pamela Henderson, 65 Max Foundation seeks to change lives for the better. Sep22252 Most Inspirational Social Growth & Community Wellbeing Organization 2023 - Western USA Company: 65 Max Corporation Web Address: Contact Name: Pamela Henderson May23184 65 Max Corporation