Global Employment Survey Shows Increased Demand for Professionals and Managers
A regular global survey of hiring and firing trends covering more than 9,000 organisations in 30 key countries has found job prospects for professionals and managers continuing to improve.
The ‘Global Snapshot’ project from the international recruitment firm, Antal, asked 9,136 companies in major markets such as Western and Eastern Europe, China and Mexico whether they were currently hiring at professional and managerial level. It then asked whether they planned to do so in the coming quarter and whether they were currently letting staff go or were planning to do so in the next three months. Current hiring across the globe was up from 57% of respondents in September 2014 to 68% now. And the percentage of organisations intending to hire in the coming quarter was also up from 57% to 66%.
However, the percentage of companies shedding staff has also begun to creep up, with 24% reportedly firing staff, up on the 9% from the last survey.
Western Europe
In Western Europe, the highest levels of hiring were found in Belgium (77%) and the UK (70%), which makes its second consecutive appearance in the regions leader board. The lowest levels were once again recorded in Spain where only 39% of companies questioned were in the process of recruiting at professional or managerial level, this time with Italy alongside. The Netherlands job market has increased quite significantly with 61% of employers hiring at managerial and professional level, up by 12% from September 2014. However, this trend is set to slow down with 55% of businesses planning on recruiting for senior roles in the next three months. The proportion of British companies currently firing has, however, shot up to 36%, 11% up on figures reported in the last survey.
Eastern Europe and Eurasia
The employment markets in Eastern Europe have noted a high level of activity over recent months as Slovakia recorded a current hiring level of 74%, above the regional and global averages. Closely following is Poland, where 70% of organisations are currently taking on staff. Slovakia is anticipating continued high levels of activity in the next quarter with 78% of organisations expecting to take on staff, 25% more than their Czech Republic neighbours and 12% above the worldwide trend.
Given its highly uncertain situation, the highest firing figures in the Eastern Europe and Eurasia territory were recorded in Russia where 53% of companies questioned were in the process of recruiting at professional or managerial level. However this is expected to fall by 3% in the next three months.
The Middle East
Employment markets remain relatively strong across the Middle East region. UAE registered the highest level of recruitment at professional and managerial level (58%) with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lagging well behind at 48%. The percentage of businesses who say they will fire staff in the next quarter is very low in region on the whole. Just 1% of companies from Saudi Arabia are letting staff go and 9% of the organisations in UAE are planning to do so in the next three months.
Businesses in Asia continue to record a stabilised level of both hiring and firing. In China, 69% of companies are currently taking staff on while 32% are letting staff go. In the next quarter this is expected to remain, while predicted hiring drops to 61%. This is in comparison to India where the percentage of companies currently taking on staff stands at 66% and is expected to fall further in the coming months. This is particularly disappointing for India employment markets as 38% of organisations said they would be firing in the next three months.
The Americas
The North and Latin America employment markets has seen a mixed level of activity over recent months. North America and the USA in particular, recorded 55% of organisations are taking on staff which is 13% below the global average.
The Latin American hiring levels continued to show positive results as 63% of organisations in the most active country, Brazil, are currently hiring at a managerial and professional level, a figure that is expected to increase in the next quarter, indicating continued growth. Firing levels in Mexico have remained relatively high and this is expected to go up by 8% in the next three months. Interestingly, businesses in Argentina have reported positive results as employment figures are expected to significantly increase up to 88% which is well above the American average and represents the highest global score.
Winners and losers
Across the globe the sectors with the highest levels of recruitment at professional and managerial level were:
2) Information Technology
3) ICT Hardware
4) Accounting
5) Banking
The lowest were the Fashion, Energy and Security Services.
To download the full copy of the report please visit www.ags.antal.com