2016’s Most Innovative Company – Senegal
Solabsen is one of the first privately owned laboratory in Senegal specialised in medical testing. We are very grateful to Dr Jean Francois ROBERT who first introduced our services in Senegal under a different trading name “Laboratoire ESPLAN” 40 years ago. SOLABSEN is now very proud of the excellent contribution it is making as a key stakeholder in the Senegalese Public Health sector. It is an honour to the whole Solabsen team to be know that their hard work for innovation is being recognised and rewarded on an international platform, through Acquisition International Magazine.
Solabsen provides a variety of specialist services from classic biology to complex analysis. As result of high demand from the public, Solabsen set up a new unit supporting sports men and women uniquely in improving their performance, managing their individual health profile and optimising their health expectation throughout their career. For the first time in the West-African region, Solabsen can provide excellent nutritional health checks to customers using the latest and best technique in the field called “bioimpedancemetry multifrequency”.
The firm is also very proud to be the only medical laboratory in Senegal performing blood grouping extended to the “phenotype Rhesus (C, c, E, e) and Kell (Kell1), to prevent “allo-immunisation anti-Kell” in order to make blood transfusions safer for younger and middle-aged women.
At Solabsen, the care of the patient is our priority. Our team are always available to listen and help them, and we process and maintain the files of each patient with the greatest level of professionalism, ethics and confidentiality, as subjected by all regulatory bodies:
• Confidentiality is the basis on which we build the trust relationship between patients and the biologist;
• Compliance to fundamental human rights such as no discrimination and access to quality health services; • Professional duty of care to patients by providing them with all relevant information as recorded on their personal file, and to support them
further when required;
• Professional duty of care to the environment, by maintaining an eco-friendly attitude at work, as well as outside work.
Our staff play an important role of leadership in the organisation, by always looking for room to innovate the firm’s ways of providing excellent customers service to the public. This is evidenced by the team’s objective to achieve ISO 9001 for quality services, within the short term (3 months), and the 15189 norms in the medium term.
Solabsen’s customer base is very diversified, and many of them have come to us through recommendations from well-known organisations in which they are employed, such as IPM and insurance companies for example.
Furthermore, innovation is critically important in the sector Solabsen is trading in. It is regrettable that the World still has some great diseases challenges such as AIDS, Cancer and so on. It is important that the African continent works dynamically with talents around the World to develop remedies and better technologies that might address such health challenges.
In 2016, Solabsen set ourselves the challenge to achieve the ISO 9001 certification, and I am glad that we are set to do this very soon. The long-term ambition for Solabsen is to develop many dedicated units (such as sport-physiology and anti-doping) for talented sports men and women in Africa.
Company: Solabsen
Name: Omar Arouna Adamou
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.solabsen.com
Address: 39, RueMohamed V x
Victor Hugo, Dakar, Sénégal
Phone: +221 33 821 33 14