First Quarter Update – Mark-Inventa Co., Ltd.
Mark-Inventa Co., Ltd. is a professional enterprise for the protection of intellectual property rights. We offer our clients full service of representation, from the application of the right to registration and maintenance of the right. Our key practice areas are trademarks, patents, designs and availability searches in these areas.
Our clients are large foreign corporations and law firms, as well as smaller-medium-sized enterprises and research institutes. About 15% are domestic clients. For our clients we perform services primarily in Eastern Europe, we represent them before the Office of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), the European Patent Office (EPO), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and with the help of outside lawyers also before Slovenian courts. In addition to our knowledge and experience, we offer our clients advice in connection with the conclusion of licensing agreements and agreements on transfer of industrial property rights. Our practice includes customs seizures and cooperation with Slovenian customs authorities.
Experiences of Q1 (January-March 2016)
On March 26, 2016 the Amending Regulation No. 2424/2015 of the European Parliament and the Council entered into force. The Community trade mark (CTM) has been renamed in “EU Trade Mark” (EUTM) whilst the registry office, “the Office of Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM)” will now be named “the European Union Intellectual Property Office”(EUIPO). In the Amended Regulation a new “one-fee-perclass” system is introduced. This means that extra fees are payable after the first class. This is done in order to reduce claims for goods and services not really corresponding to the business needs of the applicant. One of the most important changes comes in the area of goods and services. Goods and services have to be expressed with clarity and precision to determine the extent of the protection of the trademark. New is Article 28(8) which is a transitory provision to allow owners of trademarks that have the Class Heading to specify what has been the original attention, when they applied for this trademark. The time limit to file opposition against International Registration designating European Union is now shorter and shall begin 1 month instead of 6 months from the date of publication of International Registration.
Company: Mark-Inventa Co., Ltd.
Name: Dušan Djukić,
Patent and Trademark Attorney
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.mark-inventa.si
Address: Glinska ulica 14,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: 00386 1 4266 503