Deal of the Year: USA TMT Deal of the Year for the HAYSTACKID Acquisition of FLEX Discovery Transaction
HAYSTACKID is an international end-to-end eDiscovery and forensics services and solutions provider. We offer consultation and best in breed technology-driven solutions to corporations and law firms that vastly improve legal hold, data collection and eDiscovery workflow.
HAYSTACKID is one of the most recognized digital forensics and eDiscovery providers today. When it really matters, top corporations and their law firms turn to HAYSTACKID’s expertise as a premier eDiscovery service provider when forensics workflow
expertise is essential and a “bet-the-company” litigation is looming. When it comes to high stakes or high profile digital forensics and eDiscovery related matters, the most prominent law firms and corporations in the have gained trust in the expertise of HAYSTACKID. We address the most complex investigative, discovery related and risk management challenges providing the right balance between
technology solutions and our human expertise.
Acquisition of Flex Discovery transaction
In June 2015, the firm announced its intent to acquire the privately-held company, FLEX Discovery. Headquartered in Chicago. FLEX Discovery is a managed service provider focused on streamlining the discovery process during information-intensive litigation scenarios via electronic and paper discovery services.
FLEX Discovery has an in-depth working knowledge of the vast majority of litigation support technologies in the industry. As such, this acquisition will further expand upon HAYSTACKID’s already robust managed service provider expertise and facilitate new technology partnerships and vendor relationships. In addition, FLEX Discovery’s product portfolio, clientele and employee base will help HAYSTACKID develop a deeper footprint in critical growth markets, i.e. Chicago and Washington D.C.
Kevin Glass, CEO of HAYSTACKID said: “We are thrilled to shortly welcome the FLEX Discovery team to HAYSTACKID. As the demand for digital forensics and electronic discovery services continues to rise in the legal sector, HAYSTACKID wants to be in the best position possible to support current and potential client needs. With our expanded team and network, we are better suited than ever before to accomplish that objective.”
“There is a tangible synergy between FLEX Discovery and HAYSTACKID, which makes the prospect of this acquisition incredibly exciting for us,” said Eric Singer, Chief People Officer, FLEX Discovery” added.
HAYSTACKID will maintain operations in all of FLEX Discovery’s offices and data centres as part of the acquisition. Eric Singer will assume the position of Executive Vice President for HAYSTACKID. He will be responsible for driving sales, managing the Chicago
and Washington, D.C. office integration, and overseeing the expanded HAYSTACKID client services team. “We see this planned acquisition as an integral step toward expanding our market share domestically and internationally in the highest priority geographies,” said Jason Glass, Executive Vice President, HAYSTACKID. “We look forward to welcoming the FLEX Discovery employees andclientele.”
Our Vision
Corporations will proactively involve themselves in the electronic discovery and managed review process, scrutinising their expenses and directly working with subject matter experts to identify process improvement strategies. With the escalation of eDiscovery processing and billable hour expenses on the rise, corporations need a strategic partner to help mitigate their risk and cost effectively manage the information discovery lifecycle process. HAYSTACKID is that partner.
Because we are technology-neutral, HAYSTACKID can utilise the best technology options available and provide our clients with customised strategic solutions to efficiently search, collect, preserve, analyse and review electronic information.
Industry Leader
HAYSTACKID’s singular focus is serving the needs of our corporate clients and their counsel. As a leader in the risk management and litigation support industry with corporate clients around the globe, HAYSTACKIDis an industry innovator – setting standards with new products and services and expanding the reach of our client relationships.
Our technology-neutrality allows us to take advantage of the best software and solutions as they hit the market, customising the experience for each of our clients to maximise accuracy and affordability. HAYSTACKID collaborates with many technology
companies to beta test and stress test their new technologies because no organisation handles more “big” data, or has such a complete understanding of the eDiscovery and litigation support process from all possible angles.
HAYSTACKID reports back with enhancements and will only use tried and true technology. With consultative eDiscovery services and a systematic approach to strategy, HAYSTACKID helps predict, control and cut costs while still yielding the best possible results for the corporation, law firm or government agency.
Global Footprint
HAYSTACKID offers a global perspective backed by extensive industry expertise. We have greatly expanded our presence in the EU Economic Community (EEC) by winning several large forensics and ESI matters. We maintain six major United States operations in Boston, Chicago, New York, San Diego, Washington D.C., Beaverton, Houston and San Francisco. We also have a European office in Frankfurt, Germany, Germany and Paris, France. Our network spans over 50 geographical markets. Relationships
HAYSTACKID understands the difficulties enterprises and law firms face when beginning to use electronic litigation services and forensics solutions in a dynamic and rapidly evolving era. Our qualified and certified forensics professionals help bridge the gap between technology and litigation for the best possible outcomes.
HAYSTACKID works with you to orchestrate the most meaningful and predictable model to control costs, allowing you to forecast and budget accurately within your unique business structure and culture. We stake our reputation and business success on your satisfaction, and depend on your continued partnership to progress as an organisation.
Our People
HAYSTACKID is committed to hiring the most talented and hardworking employees in the industry, providing our clients with a high return on their investment and delivering unmatched responsiveness and client care. There is no doubt that HAYSTACKID is a highperformance and high-stress environment, though the people we attract and bring aboard thrive in these deadline-driven conditions. We hire exceptional people and invest in training for their continued professional development.