Most Innovative Law Firms
Most innovative law firm 2016 Morocco
Company: Bakouchi & Habachi-HB Law Firm LLP
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.hblaw.ma
Address: 6, Rue Farabi, Bd Rachidi, Résidence Toubkal, 2ème étage, Gauthier,
Casablanca Maroc
Telephone: 212 522 47 4193
Most innovative law firm 2016, South Africa
Company: Sefalafala Incorporated Attorneys
Name: Mmatsatsi Sefalafala
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.falasattorneys.co.za
Address: 1st Floor, Fountain Grove 4,
Fountain Grove Office Park, No 5 Second Road, Hyde Park, South Africa
Telephone: 27 (0) 11 325 0497
Most Innovative Law Firm 2016 – Scotland
Company: Ferguson Legal
Name: Carole Ferguson
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://fergusonlegal.co.uk/
Telephone: 44 (0)1224 900025
Company: MacRoberts LLP
Name: Alice McKinlay
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.macroberts.com
Address: Capella, 60 York Street, Glasgow G2 8JX
Telephone: 44 141 303 1100
Company: Richard Freeman & Co Solicitors
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.roadtrafficexpert.com
Address: Roadtrafficexpert.com 40 New City Road
Cowcadddens Glasgow G4 9JT
Telephone: 0800 567 7810
Most Innovative Law Firm – UK
Company: N Legal
Name: Kimberley Kong, Director
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.n-legal.co.uk
Address: 1-3 High Street, Sutton Coldfield,
West Midlands B72 1XH
Telephone: 0121 3558885
Company: Steele Rose Law LLP
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.steelerose.co.uk
Address: 7 Deans Farm, Stratford sub Castle,
Salisbury SP1 3YP.
Telephone: 0800 0352 781
Company: Zyda Law
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.zydalaw.com
Address: 60 Cygnet Court, Stratford upon Avon,
Warwickshire CV37 9NW
Telephone: 01789 413 949
Company: WDS Associates Legal Services
Email: [email protected]
Address: 255 Two Mile Hill Road, Kingswood,
Bristol BS15 1AY
Telephone: 0117 949 1000
Most Innovative Business Leader UK
Company: TM Group (UK) Limited
Name: Paul Albone
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.tmgroup.co.uk
Address: 1200 Delta Business Park, Swindon,
Wiltshire SN5 7XZ
Telephone: 0844 249 9200
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.futura-group.co.uk
Address: 3 Wharfside, Rounds Green Road, Oldbury,
West Midlands B69 2BU
Telephone: 44 (0)333 555 7000
Most Innovative Offshore Firms 2016
Company: Cavendish Trust Company Limited
Name: Christina Rawlinson FCCA, Director
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.cavendishtrust.com
Address: 31-37 North Quay, Douglas,
Isle of Man, IM1 4LB
Telephone: 44 1624 679000
Company: Clarus Risk
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.clarusrisk.com
Address: Anson Court, La Route des Camps,
St Martin, Guernsey, GY1 6BR
Telephone: 01481 231 815
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, Italy
Name: Domenico de Simone
Law firm: De Simone & Partners S.p.A
Email: [email protected];
[email protected]
Web: www.desimonepartners.com
Telephone: 39 06 853361
Address: Via Vincenzo Bellini,
20, 00198 Rome – Italy
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, Spain
Company: Cortizo
Name: Alvaro Rey Riveiro, Managing Partner
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://cortizoabogados.com/
Address: Capitán Haya 9 28020
Telephone: 34 9139 10559
Most Innovative Law firm 2016, Belgium
Company: Law Firm Mattijs, Voet & Co
Name: Joris Mattijs
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.advocatenkantoor-mattijs.be
Address: Donk 54 – B-2550 Lier
Telephone: 32 3 488 4666
Company: Law Square
Name: Karin Winters, Managing Partner
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.lawsquare.be
Address: Woluwedal 20,
1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe Belgium
Telephone: 32 2 7107368
Most Innovative Law Firm 2016 – Malta
Company: WH Partners
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://whpartners.eu/
Address: Level 5, Quantum House,
75 Abate Rigord Street, Ta’ Xbiex XBX1120, Malta
Telephone: ( 356) 2092 5100
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, France
Company: Frilet Société d’Avocats
Name: Marc Frilet
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.frilet.com
Address: 91 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré,
75008 Paris, France
Telephone: 33 156260040
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, Germany
Company: Jordan & Wagner RA GmbH
Name: Helmuth Jordan
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://jordan-ra.com/
Address: Kernerstraße 28, DE – 70182 Stuttgart,
Tel: 49 (0) 711 2554 0460
Most Innovative Law Firm in Lithuania
Company: Tark Grunte Sutkiene
Web: www.tarkgruntesutkiene.com
Address: Didžioji 23, LT-01128 Vilnius, Lithuania
Telephone: 370 5274 2420
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, Sweden
Company: Stockholm Arbitration
& Litigation Center (SALC) Law Firm
Name: Dan Engström, Founding Partner and MP
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.salc.se
Address: Biblioteksgatan 3,
SE-111 46 Stockholm, SWEDEN
Telephone: 46 8 678 97 70
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, China
Company: AllBright Law Offices
Name: Managing Partner: Wu Mingde
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.allbrightlaw.com
Address: 11, 12/F, Shanghai Tower, No.501,
Yincheng Middle Road, Pudong New Area,
Shanghai P.R. China 200120
Telephone: 021 20511000
Most Innovative Law Firm – Iran
Company: Atai & Associates Law Offices
Name: Mr. Ali. A. Atai Senior Lawyer
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.ataiassociates.com
Address: No. 4, (Former No. 8), 14th Street,
Khaled Istamboli Avenue (Vozara),
P.O.Box 15875-1633, 15117 Tehran
Telephone: 98 (021) 8871 3850
Most Innovative Law Firm 2016, Qatar
Company: Dentons
Name: Safwan Moubaydeen
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.dentons.com
Address: Floor 15 Al Fardan Office Tower,
61 Al Funduq Street, West Bay, PO Box 64057,
Doha, Qatar
Telephone: 974 4459 8960
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, the UAE
Company: Davidson & Co Legal Consultants
Name: Jonathon Davidson
Web: www.davidsoncolaw.com
Address: Office 504, Shangri La Office Tower,
Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Po Box 34002
Telephone: 971 4 343 8897
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, Lebanon
Company: SADER & Associates
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.saderlaw.com
Address: SADER & Associates, 3rd floor, SADER
Building, Dekwaneh, Beirut, Lebanon
Telephone: 961 1 499888
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, the Philippines
Company: Romulo Law Firm
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.romulo.com
Address: 21st Floor, Philamlife Tower,
8767 Paseo De Roxas, Makati City 1226, Philippines
Telephone: 63 2 555 9555
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, Japan
Web: www.spoip.com
Address: 6th Fl., Kantetsu Tsukuba-Science-City
Bldg. 1-1-1, Oroshi-machi, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki,
Japan 300-0847
Telephone: 81-29-841-2001
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, Australia
Company: McCormicks Law
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.mccormicks.com.au
Address: 48 Leichhardt St, Spring Hill,
QLD 400 Australia
Telephone: 61 7 3014 0001
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016 Ghana
Company: Kimathi & Partners
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.kimathilegal.com
Address: Kimathi & Partners,
Corporate Attorneys, No.6 Airport Road,
Airport Residential Area Ghana
Telephone: 233 (0)2479 60465
Most Innovative Law Firm – Uganda
Company: Denis Bono Moro
Email: [email protected]
Address: Denis Bono Moro, Uganda Revenue
Authority, Nakawa-Jinja Road, Kampala, Uganda
Telephone: 00256 41 7440000
Most Innovative Offshore Firms 2016
Company: Aqua Tech Diving Services
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.aquatechdivingservices.com
Address: 56 Dudley Road
(Entrance in Manchester Road) Durban 4052
Jacobs, Durban, Kwazulu natal, 4052 South Africa
Telephone: 27 31 301 3631
Most Innovative Law Firm – Mauritius
Company: L & P Law Partners
Name: Me. Khushal LOBINE Barrister at Law,
Lincoln’s Inn LLB (Hons) UK, ACIArb, CILT
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.barrister.mu /
Address: Head Office – 1st Floor, Cross House,
6 Cross Street, Bel Village, Port Louis
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 230 2130925
230 57661925
Most Innovative Law Firm of 2016, Indonesia
Company: Ricardo Simanjuntak & Partners
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.rsnplawyers.com
Address: Wirausaha Building, 2nd Floor,
Jakarta 12940 Indonesia
Telephone: 0062 21 5277715