Most businesses we speak to are suffering from the same condition. Lack of time. To build and grow your business you need to be able to focus on identifying growth areas, building a strong pipeline of prospects and maintaining/retaining your existing customer base, whilst keeping your own sales and marketing strategy going alongside the administration of internal processes. Phew! And breathe…Get Ahead VA are here to help.
Thanks to the advancements in technology and the ability to be connected 24/7 businesses are now able to benefit from the help of a fully outsourced solution. Get Ahead VA provide the “the staff you don’t see, the difference you do”, by helping individuals and businesses of all sizes to save both time and money.
We are a virtual agency providing businesses access to an experienced team who collaborate and provide services from PA & Administration, Accountancy, Marketing, PR and also Social Media.
Social Media Madness – Keep it simple
As the online market grows and grows, it is now more important than ever to consider social media to support your marketing strategy. We’re not just talking about the larger organisations with an entire social media marketing team, but it is now relevant to plumbers, solicitors and accountants alike. Businesses are now being validated, in some part, via their online
presence and in particular social media platforms.
Social Media – The Rules
Three basic rules should be applied when you embark on your social media journey:
1. Be Authentic
Social media is about getting to know the person or personalities behind the brand. Therefore, you need to be open and honest. You need to be comfortable with sharing not just information about your business but about yourself, making your content interesting
and more likeable so that others will want to follow and ‘hang-out’ with you on your pages.
2. Be Brave
Don’t try to be like everyone else. As with personalities, everyone is different. Apply this rule to your posts. Be bold in what you have to say, don’t focus on product information or how best you can manage a portfolio too much.
3. Be Consistent
Whatever you say, however you say it, be consistent. Create a narrative that people will want to be involved with and keep reading your posts. Make sure you are posting on a regular basis, not ad-hoc as you will lose the momentum. Create a schedule to keep yourself on track and deliver content often, followers will unfollow you if you’re not doing anything.
Content and scheduling
When you put these simple rules into practice you can begin to build your social media presence.
Using scheduling tools such as Hootsuite, Buffer or Sprout Social you will be able to search, create and
post content in advance. However, don’t forget to regularly review your accounts so that you can share and retweet posts that you like or are trending on a particular day. Sharing is a great way to build your followers and likes.
If in doubt, and you know you haven’t got the time to manage or maintain social media, why not outsource it to someone who can?
Give us a call at Get Ahead VA and we will be more than happy to talk you through the variety of packages available.
Content Details
Company: Get Ahead VA
Rebecca Newenham
[email protected]
Vanessa Hodges
Marketing Specialist
[email protected]
Web: www.getaheadva.com
Phone: 01483 332220