There is a statement that says, ‘To discover the future, you have to cross boundaries’. In Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates is the German business woman Birgit Maria Kemphues, with qualities of happiness and a wide vision. She has been described as a visionary and an author and is also the founder of a group of companies.
Since 1999, I have connected with GCC countries, especially with the United Arab Emirates. I have successful business stories to tell because of bridges I have built between locals’ inhabitants, universities and government and Europeans companies

With innovation, research, science and technology forming the pillars of the knowledge-based company Investment Group AG – the combination of a highly productive and competitive economy plus a good relationship – is termed as ‘Wasta’ here.
To be a winner of the UAE Business Elite Awards is a great honour for us. The original journey undertaken by Business & Higher Education Investment Group AG Germany, was to build bridges in the business world, which in turn would allow for more ideas to develop.
Not only is winning the award a pleasure, but it also cements the reputation of Investment Group AG within the business world, putting it in line with the company’s vision that was set so long ago. This was to offer businesses a supportive service, that allowed them to plan the future of their business in the right way.
I also hope that this award showcases just how prevalent women are in the world of business, regardless of where they’re situated within the structure. Although the world of business has evolved in leaps and bounds, there is still a stigma that women can’t deliver like their male counterparts. Evidently, the majority reject this as nonsense, but for those who still think otherwise, I hope this award showcases just what women can offer in such an evolving sector.
As well as forming relationships between entrepreneurs, Investment Group AG also focuses on markets within sectors such as education, renewable energy, technology, medical tourism and entertainment by way of investment and distribution.
It’s also important that clients are put on the right path when it comes to their business endeavours. Evidently, many sectors of the Arab business world need cultural understanding and flexibility, so they can operate in the right way. This is where Investment Group AG comes in. As well as offering introductions between business people from both the United Arab Emirates and Europe, it also offers a vast number of business services that looks to offer businesses a mixture of proven strategies and original thinking to ensure companies arrives at its chosen destination, and beyond.
Obviously, there are always challenges within the world of business, and the sector we operate in is no different. However, just as there are many objectives to contend with, this is in turn always provides various opportunities. This can simply be due to the way the business world develops. However, I also believe that allowing the connection of different business personal offers a novel approach as to how exactly goals are met.
The aspirations, for both me and my company, are pretty much the same as they have always been, which are to connect businesses to create a more fruitful environmental overall. Being a part of the UAE Business Elite Awards will evidently unleash a further confidence, which will be used in the most positive way and like any business we certainly strive from both networking and expansion.
A business can derive from a simple idea. For it to grow, I believe it must be in the best pair of hands. Evidently, only the business owner can nurture their project, something that will take a good injection of confidence. Don’t get me wrong, some days can be more trying than others, but seeing your vision come alive is within anyone’s grasp, regardless of their gender or background.
Sometimes I am asked what role luck has played in my success. I would say that there’s always a dose of luck in being in a certain place, at a certain time, when a specific set of opportunities are developing. The key is having the confidence to believe you deserve a chance and can make things happen, plus being ready to make the most of those opportunities and willing to do the work it takes to do right, by the people who offer you opportunities. It’s funny to me that people ask about luck when discussing success. Success is determined by how you handle it, how you treat people along the way, plus how true you are to what feeds your soul.
My advice is to always be kind to and happy with others. Just as important, be good and shiny to people around you (everyone – the dishwasher, the driver, the server and the maid). Humans deserve respect and kindness – and you never know how the good you deliver to the world will come back around to serve you.
In terms of which woman inspires me and why, I must say that I work with so many talented and amazing women from a rich variety of backgrounds. Only here in UAE, are we working with over 200 nationalities together. They are always a tremendous source of inspiration. My greatest inspiration, though, comes from my family, that is from generations of women and men who continually inspire me through their accomplishments, their grace, their fortitude, their hopes and their dreams.
Finally, regarding the most significant challenge for the generation of women behind, I would like to say that globalisation will certainly require leaders, both men and women. Both sexes need to be adept at viewing the world through different cultural lenses – and to adapt their business strategy and behaviour to best lead global teams – and to meet client needs.
Finding ways to navigate the demands of a global business and the constantly changing political and economic landscape will be an ongoing challenge for all of us. Women may face an even greater challenge, to the extent that some of the business culture and norms encountered are less accustomed to or accepting of women leaders. My last comment is, ‘Don’t be afraid – to discover the future, you must cross boundaries.’