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Posted 13th February 2017

Mediation & Dispute Resolution – the Holistic Approach

Vanessa Lloyd Platt tells us about her firm, its innovative approach, and what sets it aside from the competition.

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Mediation & Dispute Resolution – the Holistic Approach

Mediation & Dispute Resolution – the Holistic Approach


Vanessa Lloyd Platt tells us about her firm, its innovative approach, and what sets it aside from the competition.

Lloyd Platt & Co is a niche matrimonial family and divorce firm based in London. We are specialists in dealing with the following work:
• Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements;
• Divorce & Separation;
• Dissolution of Civil Partnerships;
• Criminal Defence;
• Adoption;
• Children & Parenting Issues;
• Cohabitation;
• Collaborative Law;
• Financial Settlement in Divorce;
• Help for Grandparents;
• Mediation;
• Pensions – Divorce or Dissolution;
• Protection for Harassment & Domestic Violence;
• Same Sex Marriage & Civil Partnership and;
• Specialists in dealing with Pet based disputes.

The firm has been ongoing since October 1992 and is based in North London.

The firm generally is known for innovative approaches to various different issues. Vanessa explains in more detail: “We have led the field in changes to various aspects of the law, whether it is in relation to short marriage cases, financial cases or those relating to grandparents. We have a substantive number of quoted cases as a result. We created the world’s first ever Pet-nuptial Agreement to fill the current hole in the law regarding how pets of any nature can be dealt with as a result of any kind of matrimonial dispute. This has now been used as a precedent worldwide.

“The firm not only deals in the day to day cases but offers specialist advice to our clients on a pragmatic basis that can end disputes that may have been ongoing for some years with other firms or without resolution. The firm offers mediation, but has recently set up a new form of dispute resolution to assist grandparents in resolving their disputes where mediation appears to have failed on an almost countrywide basis. We are ever hopeful that this format which seems to be working will be rolled out across the country.

“We believe that what sets us clearly apart from other firms who offer the same services is that we take each case and look at every lateral possibility to resolve the matter rather than in a straight jacketed manner which does not fit the particular case. At least one third of our work is taking over cases from other practitioners who have failed to see other methods of resolving the dispute or strategies.

“Our clients have said that the service that we offer is much deeper and more holistic in dealing with all aspects of their matter than any other firms.”

Recently, the firm was awarded a title in the Global Excellence Awards, and Vanessa tells us more about what this award truly means to her and the firm.

“We are extremely excited to have won the award for the 2017 Ones to Watch in Law in our jurisdiction,” she enthuses. “This is particularly so as we have been campaigning for so many issues over a period of time, namely:
• Issues concerning rights for fathers in contact disputes;
• Rights for cohabitees and;
• More recently have been lobbying for grandparents rights to be recognised and appreciated.

“The award means a lot to me personally as the director of the firm but for all of the staff at the firm it is very heart-warming that our work and caring approach has been recognised.”

The firm has experienced huge success over the last few years due to its innovative approach and Vanessa also sees a very bright future ahead.

“The firm hopes that it will continue to carry on the successful approach that it has in previous years but more importantly in 2017 we are paving the way for a change in the law for grandparents and will be lobbying Parliament until such time as a change is brought and the need for grandparents to apply for leave before applying for permission to see their grandchildren eradicated. We will working closely with MP’s and grandparent organisations across the country until our hope is achieved.

“No one quite knows what challenges may face legal firms as a result of Brexit, but we hope that we will be market leaders, and continue with innovative ideas to bring help to many people who otherwise feel abandoned by the legal system.

“Having worked within the legal profession for over 38 years, it is apparent that the law can at times become stuck with practitioners only too ready to stay within a system that does not serve the people as it was intended. This firm will continue to shift the law wherever possible and move boundaries and bring in new ideas which will be followed by other practitioners.

“It is vital that we never stop looking for new areas that need improvement in the law, particularly in the family arena in order to bring help to many people who have hitherto felt that they had no proper remedies. The innovation spurs us in to doing better work.”

Categories: Innovation

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