Strategy, Management & Legal

Grand Hill Consulting is one of the most successful restructuring boutiques in Brazil. Senior Partner at Grand Hill Consulting, Marcello Lauer took time to profile the successful firm.
Grand Hill Consulting is one of the most successful restructuring boutiques in Brazil. It is guided by excellence in performance and the exclusive Perennial Vision methodology®. The methodology is applied to provide tailor-made solutions for corporate reorganizations, corporate governance, strategy, funding structuring and complex processes of change, based on the premise that long-term survival is ultimately the main goal of organizations.
“We start from the premise that long-term survival, except in exceptional cases, is the ultimate goal of organizations” Marcello Lauer – Senior Partner of Grand Hill Consulting
After a long and exhausting impeachment process faced by Brazil in 2016, which caused the worst economic scenario in decades and led to a record number of judicial recovery requests, the country continues to face important political challenges and uncertainties. Nevertheless, there are significant signs of recovery in economic activity. The stabilization of economy, however, will not be enough to give companies some breathing space, since debtor’s capacity to pay has not improved and banks are less willing to roll over debts. As a result, the number of requests for judicial reorganization tends to stabilize given the gradual easing of credit conditions and decline in interest rates, but companies must demand specialized turnaround management and structured credit operations throughout 2017.
According to Marcello Lauer, Senior Partner of Grand Hill, “In Brazil, the combination of the economic scenario and the complex business dynamics with a normative context involving controversial issues, the proposed amendment of Law 11 101/2005, as well as the relations with the New Code of Civil Procedure have made the laws for corporate reorganization. These relations are even more relevant and necessary, since they create a challenging environment for legal professionals, in which the reflection on important economic, financial and legal issues that permeate the processes of corporate reorganization in Brazil, must be fostered at higher and more productive levels”.
In this context, Grand Hill Consulting combines both legal and management strategies in the development of tailor-made solutions that are based on its exclusive Perennial Vision methodology. These are guided by the technical quality and philosophy aimed at full customer service, which include the provision of individualized and reserved services, generating reciprocal benefits with results and generation of wealth.
The Perennial Vision model is intended to define the hierarchical balance of the company’s three fundamental drivers: Long-term survival / Return / Growth. These three fundamental drivers provide continuous addition of value, capture of relevant opportunities, performance leaps and the achievement of a single level of final results, strengthening the company, ensuring stability and promoting harmony among those involved. To do so, it combines solutions in Strategy, Corporate Structure, Operation and Capital Structure and Results.
Lauer details the Perennial Vision Methodology: “We start from the premise that long-term survival, except in exceptional cases, is the ultimate goal of organizations. The combination of measures involving a strategy focused on key success factors and best corporate governance practices for crisis management creates a management model with mechanisms that result in the best performance of the organization. Lastly, we focus our work so that organizations become prepared for long-term survival, show continuous existence for several generations in charge, which means success and long-term performance, achieved through profitable growth and preservation of integrity.”
Company: Grand Hill Consulting
Contact: Marcel Lauer
Contact Email: [email protected]
Address: 868, Desembargador Westphalen Street, 6th Floor, Curitiba, 80230-100, Brazil
Telephone: 0055 41 3078 4455
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