Under the hot Portuguese sun stands a no-nonsense, passionate law firm. Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados provides advice across the legal spectrum and transgresses borders, offering its expertise to clients around the globe. In essence, the winners of Leading Private Client (Visa and Tax) Law Firm of the Year, Portugal, is the go-to for a client-centric, quality service.
Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados is a Portuguese law firm, with its headquarters based in the capital city, Lisbon. Born as a law firm dedicated to business law, Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados was developed to provide legal advice to Portuguese and foreign companies, and therefore has significant experience in providing legal advice to companies outside of Portugal, especially in Angola and Mozambique. Moreover, whilst the firm primarily focuses on commercial, corporate, employment, tax, and real estate law, Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados has extensive knowledge surrounding litigation, company restructuring, and insolvencies.
Indeed, its dedication to providing quality advice is unmatched, and is only bolstered by the core values that build the company’s foundations. Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados is devoted to its clients, shaping its practices around the client’s needs and requirements. Furthermore, it endeavours to be a constructive partner to its clients, providing pragmatic and objective legal solutions which result in a successful, valuable outcome. Through forging such partnerships, the firm is then enabled to build a close relationship with the client. As a result, this benefits Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados as it is then able to take the client’s best interests to heart.
Without excellent customer service, these relationships simply would not exist. In essence, Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados’ success can be attributed to its passionate members of staff. Home to a multiskilled team, the staff are encouraged to be diligent, operating under the teaching, ‘put everything you are in the smallest thing you do.’ Simply, it is not enough to be highly skilled, the team must be client focused. Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados aspires to know the client on a personal level, paying close attention to every detail, and it is primarily through this method that the team can be successful with its outcomes.
Further enhancing its success are the numerous partnerships and alliances that Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados has formed around the globe. The firm has exuded a great amount of effort in establishing these relationships, and has grown exponentially through the investment, support, and knowledge provided. In addition, Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados is a member of the Alliott Global Alliance, a reputable network of international accounting and law firms. These partnerships offer a great benefit to the firm – it permits it to guarantee legal and tax advice to its clients, in a timely manner, no matter where they are located around the globe.
However, whilst Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados has garnered great success, it has had to face its fair share of challenges. Portugal is an attractive country to many – it provides a high quality of life, safety, and culture, all wrapped up in a scenic landscape and hot climate. Its golden visa programme and tax benefits have emphasized the nation’s popularity, drawing in new residents and investors from an international audience. Many coming to Portugal hope to work and reside there, namely in the IT field, and therefore Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados’ private client team are enlisted to provide their legal assistance and expertise. Whilst this has proved challenging due to an increase in demand, it has enabled the company to grow.
For business enquiries, contact Antonio Paula Varela at Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados via their website – http://www.abvlegal.pt/en/