Category: Issues
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September has come back around, where our children are going back to school and summer draws to a close. I hope you have all had a great summer and are feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the final quarter of the year. We’re excited about what the remai

In 2023, we are living in an increasingly automated world, with more and more businesses employing artificial intelligence (AI) in their daily operations in a variety of ways to enhance their productivity. AI is quickly becoming a precious resource for so many

As we progress deeper into the digital age, we have a greater connection to all kinds of business which influence our lives – from anywhere in the world – and Acquisition International strives to deliver their trailblazing energy to you.

Meanwhile, the world of business continues to thrive! From Sydney to Jakarta to London to Minneapolis to Québec, we have an array of exciting businesses sharing their stories in this issue, whether they hail from transportation, medical aesthetics, geological

We are excited to be celebrating true excellence among our award-winning businesses. These are the businesses who don’t only succeed in overcoming their own challenges, but they also work hard to help others overcome theirs, delivering outstanding services t

In this issue, we celebrate the businesses that are expanding the horizons and capabilities of others, and this could be in the form of delivering corporate training, digital infrastructure solutions, app development, or business communications consultancy.

As I write this, the first day of spring is just over two weeks away and there are 24 business days left of Q1. During this quarter, the world of business has showed no signs of slowing down as companies continue striving to meet the demands of their clientele

Take a moment to delve into our pages and explore the stories of our handpicked award-winning businesses who hail from a range of industries including law, accountancy, education, and dermatology.

As we welcome the new year and the fresh start it brings, we would like wish all of our readers a happy and prosperous one. For it is a time to reflect on what has been, while looking towards new hope and opportunities on the horizon.