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Category: News

Showing page 11 of 303 with 2,719 matching results.

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What Are the Impacts of Climate Change On Food Safety?
27/06/2024What Are the Impacts of Climate Change On Food Safety?

The consequences of climate change extend beyond changes in weather patterns. Its effects also directly affect food safety and security. Extreme weather events disrupt agricultural practices and food production. It also encourages the multiplication of foodbor

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Most Innovative Medical Device Manufacturer 2024 – Southern California
25/06/2024Most Innovative Medical Device Manufacturer 2024 – Southern California

In the healthcare sector, Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to prove itself a true gamechanger, whether used to organise patient data or in the form of robots to assist in surgery. PathFree Technologies Corporation (PathFree) is an American manufacturing

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How to Create a Feedback-Driven Workplace
24/06/2024How to Create a Feedback-Driven Workplace

How to Create a Feedback-Driven Workplace A lot of us find feedback in the workplace to be terrifying, and it has a negative reputation to boot. It makes us appear lazy and uninspired by highlighting all the things we should have done differently. However, thi

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The Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Consulting Business: Essential Steps and Tips
24/06/2024The Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Consulting Business: Essential Steps and Tips

Building your own business and becoming an entrepreneur presents a challenge. However, beginning a consulting business where you assist others in managing their company more effectively can pose an even bigger challenge. This is mainly because when you open a

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How Does AI-Driven Text-to-Speech Elevate Business Communication
24/06/2024How Does AI-Driven Text-to-Speech Elevate Business Communication

Today’s text-to-speech (TTS) technology has made huge leaps in years, from Wolfgang von Kempelen’s “Speaking Machine” discovery until the advent of AI around the 2000s. Its capacity to store loads of voices, human speech patterns, and a

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Essential Tips for Affiliate Marketers
24/06/2024Essential Tips for Affiliate Marketers

Partnership purpose between site owners and companies providing affiliate marketing services is to increase content views and profits on the Internet. Products are promoted using unique links. As a result, the cooperation turns out to be mutually beneficial. A

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Going Beyond Zero Trust: How Far Should Organisations Go to Protect Their Information?
18/06/2024Going Beyond Zero Trust: How Far Should Organisations Go to Protect Their Information?

Organisations are under extreme pressure when it comes to protecting data. The range of cybersecurity threats is constantly evolving as the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology.

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CC McLays Completes Acquisition of TPSG Procurement
18/06/2024CC McLays Completes Acquisition of TPSG Procurement

CCS McLays has successfully acquired TPSG Procurement as it looks to strengthen its presence in the food and retail packaging sectors as part of its growth strategy.

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Digital Infrastructure Strategy: Comparing On-Premises with Cloud and Colocation
17/06/2024Digital Infrastructure Strategy: Comparing On-Premises with Cloud and Colocation

When it comes to digital infrastructure, deciding between utilising either ‘on-premises’ or cloud remains to be a divide amongst all business decision makers and both sides have their benefits, depending on which way you look at it.
