Category: News
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In 2014, Kelly Stone transformed a decaying national charity into Families Canada—the go-to place for those who work with vulnerable families. Now President and CEO, Kelly is steering Families Canada through a full digital transformation. In addition to a lo

Resonant is changing the way that radio frequency (RF) filters are designed and, in the process, has disrupted and transformed the market and supply chain for RF front-ends (RFFE). The company has used these tools to develop XBAR, a new resonator technology th

From a small, local business, Steele Rose has grown into a nationally renowned network of legal firms operating across the UK, offering a wide range of services with Probate and Estate Administration to a client base that extends all over the world. Leaving th

Experience is one of the most valuable things that a lawyer can have in their arsenal of services when working on behalf of a client. An experienced lawyer can reach into their own knowledge to come up solutions that many others simply would not be able to. Th

The world of pharmaceuticals and healthcare has been around for centuries, but great advancements have been made since the days of Hippocrates. Where once there was guesswork, now there is understanding and the ability to bring meaningful change to people’s

Did you know that every three minutes, a traveller needs emergency medical treatment abroad? For those people in need of urgent assistance, the team at Angels of Flight Canada Inc. are a godsend, providing expert medical advice in a challenging situation. Earn

In the midst of a pandemic, using cloud-based technology such as Microsoft 365 has proven vital for employees to stay productive. In October 2020, Microsoft reported 115 million daily active users of Teams. This is where Martello Technologies comes in, offerin

Without a loyal and growing pool of customers, businesses can go down under. As such, it’s important to invest in tools and training that constantly improve the way that customers experience your service product. Businesses must have quality customer call en

Investing in education is always a wise decision. Many opportunities open up when you become more educated. A business administration degree emphasizes planning, administration, leadership skills, and other aspects involved in running or managing a company.