Category: News
Showing page 268 of 308 with 2,770 matching results.

DLA Piper Advise Olayan's and Mandarin Oriental's Acquirers of Ritz Hotel (€130 million)

Sorainen Advises Graanul Invest's acquisition of SIA Latgran

WKB Advise Aviva During Acquisition of Expander Advisors

DZP Advise Wielton's Acquisition of shares in Fruehauf Expansion ($10.6 million)

Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson LLP Advise Hormel Foods's acquisition of Applegate (Hormel’s largest deal $775 million)

Landis Rath & Cobb LLP Advise Centre Lane's acquisition of Saladworks ($16.9 million)

The Zimbabwe government has announced it will officially discard the Zimbabwean dollar. Hyper-inflation had rendered it near worthless, making the US dollar the most widely used currency.

Most Americans believe it’s harder to get started today compared to previous generations.

A Northumberland printing firm has invested more than £1 million in a new press as it moves to achieve the best results in its 140-year history