Category: News
Showing page 271 of 308 with 2,770 matching results.

Early reports indicate Orion Confectionery, MBK Partners and The Carlyle Group all vying to buy into Tesco’s South Korean venture Homeplus.

JP Morgan Advise IK Investment's Acquisition of Cérélia Group

Selescope Advises Capital Export's Backing of Celec BIMBO

TM Capital Corp Advises Jordan Company Through Purchase of DiversiTech

Estin & Co Advise Capital Export During Backing of Celec BIMBO

Lazard Advises Planview's Acquisition of Troux

Yegin Cifiti Advise CarrefourSA's Acquisition of Stake in Kiler Alisveris Hizmetleri

Taylor Swift trumps technology giant, Apple, as they back down over royalties row.

Ferrero International have successfully completed a takeover bid for the UK-based confectionery store chain.