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Category: News

Showing page 87 of 302 with 2,717 matching results.

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Business Process Automation in a Nutshell
21/10/2022Business Process Automation in a Nutshell

No matter what your organization does, one thing is for sure: it executes hundreds of processes daily. For example, if you work in Finance, there are specific processes related to your market. Moreover, each department inside your organization runs different p

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SolarWinds Transforms Your Standard Operating Procedure to Proactive and Productive
21/10/2022SolarWinds Transforms Your Standard Operating Procedure to Proactive and Productive

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are a part of every organization. SOPs are processes that outline the procedure of performing a task. SOPs allow companies to hire anyone with the right qualifications as they can do the job as long as they follow the stand

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The Numbers Game: How Accounting Has Changed in an Uncertain World
19/10/2022The Numbers Game: How Accounting Has Changed in an Uncertain World

Most of us take it for granted these days, but the rate of technological change in the past decade or more is astonishing. Super-fast internet, cloud storage, video streaming; just imagine what things will be like a decade from now.

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Why Legal Guidance Is Must-Have For Italian Dual Citizenship Aspirants
19/10/2022Why Legal Guidance Is Must-Have For Italian Dual Citizenship Aspirants

Italian dual citizenship is trending because the country has immense benefits for immigrants. Relocation to Italy opens up an incredible lifestyle where you get quality education, excellent healthcare, and opportunities to work in business or profession.

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Top Tips for Promoting Business on Social Media Platforms
18/10/2022Top Tips for Promoting Business on Social Media Platforms

Social media has become a vital part of online business success. All industries nowadays belong equally to the virtual and the real world; through social media, companies can directly interact with customers on several online platforms and form a relationship

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First Steps to Take when Doing Company Acquisition
17/10/2022First Steps to Take when Doing Company Acquisition

Many people want to have a business they can call their own. However, building one from scratch is not easy. Because of this, many entrepreneurs are choosing to buy an existing business. But buying an existing business is not as easy as buying a used car. You

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Investing in the Potential of 5G – and the Companies Worth Watching
17/10/2022Investing in the Potential of 5G – and the Companies Worth Watching

The 5G market is projected to be worth $65 billion (£53.6 billion) by 2026, and by 2024, there will be over a billion global 5G subscribers. While the 5G sector has been impacted by scepticism after years of hype, there is likely to be a new phase of competit

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Funded Trading vs Solo Trading – The Differences
17/10/2022Funded Trading vs Solo Trading – The Differences

Choosing to become a funded trader or sole trader, can affect your journey in the financial market, what type of opportunities are presented to you, and your ability to take advantage of them. Each option has its fair share of pros and cons, and deciding which

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Data Analytics and AI Are Expected to Be the Top Technologies Driving the Growth of Fintech, Finds Mastercard Study
14/10/2022Data Analytics and AI Are Expected to Be the Top Technologies Driving the Growth of Fintech, Finds Mastercard Study

Data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) are the top technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that are powering fintech solutions, found a Mastercard study on the state of fintech in the Middle East and Turkey markets*.
